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  • 임요섭

    임요섭 교수 (Rim, Yo-Sup)

    농약학 및 잡초방제학 / 독성학 / 천연물화학
    독성학실험실, Toxicology Lab
    농약 잔류 분석 / 친환경 생물 농약 및 저독성 농약 개발


    • 학사 : 순천대학교 (1989)
    • 석사 : 전남대학교 (1991)
    • 박사 : 원광대학교 (1997)


    • 한국농약과학회 상임이사 및 편집위원
    • 한국약용작물학회 상임이사
    • 순천대학교 교수회 총무
    • 순천대학교 학생생활관 관장
    • 순천대학교 생물자원연구센터 센터장
    • 한국잡초학회 이사


    • 농약의 독성과 대책
    • 저독성유기농약의 개발
    • 환경친화형 농업을 위한 농약사용 및 천적이용방법 개발
    • 잔류농약의 분석
    • 천연물농약 개발


    • 농약에 의한 참잉어 및 이스라엘잉어의 급성독성비교 (한국환경농학회지 14권 2호,1995)
    • 수종 토양세균에 의한 살균제 Myclobutanil의 분해력 (한국환경농학회지 15권 1호, 1996)
    • 토양중 제초제 Ethalfluralin의 잔류농도와 반감기 분석 (대한분석과학회지 10권 3호, 1997)
    • 쥐에서 Phenobarbital Sodium 및 3-methylcholanthrene이 14C-Carbofuran의 독성과 in vitro 대사에 미치는 영향 (한국농약과학회지 2권 2호, 1998)
    • 살충제 Carbofuran과 Phenobarital Sodium 및 3-methycholanthrene이 쥐의 효소활성에 미치는 영향 (한국농약과학회지, 3권 3호, 1999)
    • 국내 자생식물의 항산화 및 항미생물활성 탐색 (한국약용작물학회지 8권 4호, 2000)
    • 제초제 Paraquat와 Bentazone의 세포독성과 3-methylcholanthrene의 독성경감효과 (한국독성학회지 17권 2호, 2001)
    • 쥐에서 Phenobarbital Sodium 및 3-Methylcholanthrene이 14C-carbofuran의 대사에 미치는 영향 (한국환경농학회지 21권 1호,2002)
    • 2-Ketogluconic Acid Production and Phosphate Solubilization by Enterobacter intermedium (Current Microbiology Vol.47, 2003, pp87-92)
    • Effect of food waste compost on microbial population soil enzyme activity and lettuce growth (Bioresource Technology 93(1) 2004, 21-28)
    • Isolation and Characterization of Antioxidative Compounds from the Aerial Parts of Angelica Keiskei (Food Science and Biotechnology 14(1) 2005, 58-63)
    • Preparation of activated carbon from paper mill sludge by KOH-activation (Korean J. Chem.Eng. 23(6) 2006, 948-953)
    • 동백나무(Camellia japonica) 잎의 열수추출 조건 확립 (Korean J. Food Sci. Technol 38(6) 2006, 823-828)
  • 조주식

    조주식 교수 (Cho, Ju-Sik)

    농업환경화학 / 분석화학 / 환경과학
    환경화학연구실, Environmental Chemistry Lab
    농업부산물, 가축사체 bio-char 자원화 활용기술 및 환경보전형 농업기술 개발


    • 학사 : 경상대학교 (1990)
    • 석사 : 경상대학교 (1992)
    • 박사 : 경상대학교 (1995)


    • 순천대학교 조미채소기술센터소장
    • 순천대학교 친환경농산물인증센터 인증심의위원 및 간사
    • 여수시 겸임연구관 연구직공무원 시험출제위원
    • 한국환경농학회 연구 및 국제간사
    • University of Florida 교환교수


    • Research on fundamental technology for environment-friendly agriculture
    • Sustainable preservation of agricultural ecology and development of a system for integrated management technology of agricultural environment
    • Development of technology for soil management that harmonizes productivity and environment
    • Biosorption Technology
    • Soil and water pollution chemistry


    • Characterisation of heavy metal tolerance and biosorption capacity of bacterium strain CPB4 (Bacillus spp.)(2007). Water Science & Technology 55(1-2) 105-111
    • Treatment of non-biodegradable cutting oil wastewater by ultrasonication-Fenton oxidation process(2007). Water Science & Technology 55(1-2) 251-259
    • Phosphorus Retention Capacity of Filter Media for Estimating the Longevity of Constructed Wetland(2006). WATER RESEARCH 39(11) 2445-2457
  • 배창휴

    배창휴 교수 (Bae, Chang-Hyu)

    작물생명공학연구실, Crop Biotechnology Lab
    중이온가속기를 이용한 식물기능연구, 작물분자육종, 식물형질전환연구


    • 순천대학교 농학과(농학사, 1986.2)
    • 전남대학교 대학원(농학석사, 1988.2)
    • 전남대학교 대학원(농학박사, 1995.8)


    • 전남연구원 선임직이사(2023.09~2026.09.05)
    • 2021김대중평화회의(Kdjpeacforum.org) 제 4세션(펜데믹과 생명, 환경) 좌장: 발표자/에릭 솔하임 유엔환경회의(UNEP)사무총장, 박명림 연세대 교수(전 김대중도서관장)
    • 순천대학교 생명산업과학대학장(2018.10.22-2020.10.21)
    • 순천대학교 평생교육원장(2018.01.01-2018.10.21)
    • 과학기술정보통신부 유전자변형생물체 전문가 심사위원회 위원(2018.04-현재)
    • 순천시 토종농산물위원회위원(2018.10.02-현재)
    • 한국자원식물학회장(2017)
    • 전라남도 농산업산·학협동심의회 작물전문위원회 위원장(2017.09.08-)
    • 전라남도 친환경농업추진위원회 위원(2011.11.10-2017.11.09)
    • 순천시 지속가능협의회 농업분과 연구위원(2016.08-현재)
    • 여수시 농업산학협동심의회 의원(2023.01.~2024.12.)
    • 고흥군 인구정책위원회 위원(2019.02.-2021.02.)
    • 세계식량포럼 농업미래대체식량분과 위원(2013.07-2015.07)
    • 미국 The Uiiversity of Georgia 방문연구자(2013-2015)
    • 한국자원식물학회 부회장(2011-2012)
    • 한국작물학회부회장(2011)
    • 한국자원식물학회 편집위원장(2011-2017)
    • 순천대학교 공동실험실습관장(2010-2011)
    • 순천대학교 친환경농업센터장(2010-2012)
    • 순천대학교 생명산업과학대학 부학장(2007.3-2009.2)
    • 미국 Purdue 대학교 방문교수(2006)
    • 한국식물생명공학회 상임이사 순천대학교 조교 및 시간강사
    • 일본 이화학연구소(RIKEN) STA fellow 및 공동연구원(1995-1999)
    • 일본학술진흥재단(JSPS) fellow(2004)
    • 순천대학교 농업과학연구소/유용천연자원연구소/조미채소기술센터 연구원
    • 일본 식물 세포분자 생물학회 정회원 일본 육종학회 정회원


    • 돌연변이육종
    • Physical mutation을 이용한 식물기능해석
    • 작물분자육종 식물조직배양 및 형질전환을 이용한 응용연구
    • 환경내성관련 식물변이체 해석
    • 기호성 화훼류 품종개발
    • 광합성관련 식물변이체 해석 등: 광합성기능결손 담배변이체 (ali 및 키메라)개발과 해석
    • 화색변이 담배식물체개발(www.riken.go.jp) 등 식물변이체 개발과 기능의 해석


    • Genetic transformation method for zoysiagrass. 미국(6,646,485). 2003
    • 한국형 잔디의 유전적 형질전환 방법. 한국(제 0458138호). 2004
    • シバの遺傳子形質轉換方法. 일본(제 3,659,346호). 2005
    • 조직배양에 의한 들잔디 식물체의 효율적인 재분화방법. 한국(10-0447732), 2004 외 민들레 관련 특허2건
    • 행정안전부장관표창(2023.11.12)
    • 부총리겸교육부장관표창(2019.5.15) 제38회 스승의 날
    • 과학기술우수논문상수상(2018).제28회 대한민국과학기술연차대회(2018.5.27)
    • 공로패수상(한국자원식물학회, 2018.4.27)
    • 한국식물조직배양학회(한국식물생명공학회)우수논문상수상(2001.11.17)
    • 문교부장관상(1986.2.20) 순천대학수석졸업(제1회)
    학술지 표지(Cover Image) 게재(2001)
    • Annals of Botany 88:545-553(SCI). Regulation of chloroplast gene ex-pression is affected in ali, a novel tobacco albino mutant.
    • 품종명: 설봉1호(벼), 출원번호: 출원2013-343, 품종보호권등록번호: 제5708호, 출원일 2013.06.08, 등록일: 2016.09.10
    • 1) 이춘환, 배창휴외 (2002.12) 광합성과 환경스트레스 ISBN 89-7316-197-0 94480 (공편)
    • 2) 김훈, 배창휴외 (2003.11.24) 이야기 농업생명과학 ISBN 89-87987-61-2 (공저)
    • 3) 한지학,배창휴외 (2007.06.26) 식물형질전환 ISBN 89-77423-52-7 (공저) 
    • 4) 배창휴,강시용 (2008.04.30) 방사선과 생물산업 ISBN 978-89-90117-36-4 (편저) 
    • 5) 김정호,배창휴외 (2012.10.26) 한국농업 미래비전 ISBN 978-89-92887-73-1 (공저) 
    • 서양고추냉이(Armoracia rusticana (Lam.) Gaertn., Mey. et Scherb.)의 기내 식물체재생과 옥수수 유동유전자 Ac 및 Ds에 의한 형질전환
    • Polyamine 처리가 보리(Hordeum vulgare L.) 원형질체 배양에 미치는 영향

      Ye-Jin Lee,  Baul Yang, Woon Ji Kim, Juyoung Kim, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jae Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Sang Hoon Kim, Eui-Shik Rha, Bo-Keun Ha, Chang-Hyu Bae(공동교신),  Jaihyunk Ryu. 2023. Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) of the Agronomic Traits and Phenolic Content in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Genotypes. Agronomy. 13권 1449호 https://doi.org/10.3390/agronmy13061449

      Dong-Gun Kim, Jae Il Lyu, Jung Min Kim, Ji Su Seo, Hong-Il Choi, Yeong Deuk Jo, Sang Hoon Kim, Seok Hyun Eom, Joon-Woo Ahn, Chang-Hyu Bae(공동교신) and Soon-Jae Kwon. 2022. Identification of Loci Governing Agronomic Traits and Mutation Hotspots via a GBS-Based Genome-Wide Association Study in a Soybean Mutant Diversity Pool. IJMS (International Journal of Molecular Sciences). 2022, 23, 10441. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms231810441

      Dong-Gun Kim, Jae-Il Lyu, You-Jin Lim, Jung-Min Kim, Nguyen-Ngoc Hung, Seok-Hyun Eom, Sang-Hoon Kim, Jin-Baek Kim, Chang-Hyu Bae(공동교신) and Soon-Jae Kwon. 2021. Differential Gene ex-pression Associated with Altered Isoflavone and Fatty Acid Contents in Soybean Mutant Diversity Pool. Plants 2021, 10, 1037. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10061037

      In-Jin Kang, Ye-Jin Lee and Chang-Hyu Bae. 2021. In vitro Regeneration and Genetic Stability Analysis of the Regenerated Green Plants in Japanese Blood Grass (Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’). Korean J. Plant Res. 34(2):156-165. 

    • Dong-Gun Kim, Jae-il Lyu, Min-Kyu Lee, Jung-Min Kim, Nguyen Ngoc Hung, Ming-Jeong Hong, Jin-Baek Kim, Chang-Hyu Bae(공동교신), Soon-Jae Kwon. 2020. Construction of Soybean Mutant Diversity Pool (MDP) Lines and an Analysis of Their Genetic Relationships and Associations Using TRAP Markers. Agronomy 10:253; doi:10.3390/agronomy10020253 (SCI/E) 
    • Vipada Kantayos and Chang-Hyu Bae. 2019. Optimized Shoot Induction and Histological Study of in vitro Cultured Korean Soybean Cultivars. Korean J. Plant Res. 32(3):237-243. 

    • Vipada Kantayos and Chang-Hyu Bae. 2019. Optimization of Shoot Induction, Histological Study and Genetic Stability of in vitro Cultured Pisum sativum cv. ‘Sparkle’. 32(1):19-28.

    • Jae Il Lyu, Sung Ran Min, Jang R. Liu, C.-H. Bae, Ji Hyun Park, Ju-Kon Kim, Won-Joong Jeong. 2018. Enhanced tolerance to heat stress in transgenic tomato seedsand seedlings overexpressing a trehalose-6- phosphate synthase/phosphatase fusion gene. Plant Biotechnology Reports 12:399-408(SCI/E).
    • Dong-Gun Kim, C.-H. Bae, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jaihyunk Ryu, Min-Kyu Lee, Jung Min Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Jin-Back Kim, Si-Yong Kang. 2017. Nutritional properties of various tissues from new kenaf cultivars. J. Crop Sci. 21(3):229-239(SCOPUS).
    • 류재혁, 유재일, 배창휴. 2017. 엽록체 DNA (trnL-trnF,rps16-trnK) 염기서열에 의한 국내 민들레속 유전자원의 유전적 변이와 유연관계 분석. 한국자원식물학회지. 30(5):522-534.
    • 류재혁, 최해식, 유재일, 배창휴. 2016. 국내 재배지의 산초(Zanthoxylum schinifolium)와 초피(Zanthoxylum piperitum)의 형태학적 특성과 유전적 다양성. 한국자원식물학회지. 29(5):555-563.
    • 김동건 외 6인, 배창휴.2016. 기내 배양을 통한 국내 콩(Glycine max L.) 품종의 식물체 재분화. 한국자원식물학회지. 29(1):143-153.
    • 류재혁, 문승옥, 김길자, 배창휴. 2015. 재배지 및 야생지에서국내 차나무(Camellia sinesis L. O. Kuntze)의 유전적 다양성. 한국차학회지. 21(2):76-84.
    • 박상은, 공현정, 신동진, 배창환, C.-H. Bae, 이성춘, 나의식, 김행훈. 2014. Development of vitrification protocol in Rubia akane (Nakai) hairy roots using a systematic approach. CRYOLETTERS. 35:138-144.(SCI).
    • 류재혁, 김은환, 소현수, 정미영, 송원섭, 배창휴. 2013. 갈대(Phragmites communis Trinius) 성숙종자를 이용한 기내 식물체 재분화와 재분화체의 유전적 다양성. 한국자원식물학회지. 26(2):320-327.
    • 류재혁, 소현수, 배세호, 강현숙, 이병철, 강시용, 이효연, 배창휴. 2013. 전자빔 조사 기내 배양 양란 심비디움(Cymbidium spp.)의 유전적 다양성. 한국육종학회지. 45(1):8-18.
    • Lyu J.I, S.R. Min, J.H. Lee, Y.H. Lim, J.-K. Kim, C.-H. Bae, J.R. Riu. 2013. Overex-pression of a trehalose-6-phosphatesynthase/phosphatase fusion gene enhances tolerance and photosynthesis during drought and salt stress without growth aberrations in tomato. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 112:257-262.DOI 10.1007/s11240-012-0225-7.
    • Ryu J.H, H.-S. So, J.I. Lyu, O.D. Kwon, Y.-I. Lee, I.D. Jin, H.-Y. Lee and C.-H. Bae. 2012. Genetic analysis of early-heading plant (Oryza sativa L.) lines derived from gamma-ray irradiation. Korean J. Plant Res. 25(1):142-151.
    • Lee Y.-G., E. Popova, H.-Y. Cui, H.-H. Kim, S.-U. Park, C.-H. Bae, S.-C.Lee and F.Engelmann. 2011. Improved cryopreservation of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) using droplet-vitrification. CryoLeters 32(6):487-497.
    • Ryu, J.H., and C.-H. Bae. 2011. Genetic diversity and relationship of Taraxacum officinale Weber and Taraxacum coreanum Nakai accessions based on inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci. 19:149-156.
    • Ryu, J.H., H.Y. Lee and C.-H. Bae. 2011. Variation analysis of long-term in vitro cultured Cymbidium goeringii Lindley and Cymbidium karan Makino. Korean J. Plant Res. 24:139-149.
    • Ryu, J.H., S.O. Mun and C.-H. Bae. 2011. Genetic diversity and structure of tea (Camellia sinensis)populations at Gurye regionin Korea based on ISSR analysis. J. Korean Tea Soc.17:72-77.
    • Ryu, J.H., G.L. Choi, J.I.Lyu, S.C. Lee, J.U. Chun, D.Y. Shin and C.-H. Bae. 2010. Genetic relationship analysis of genus Nelumbo accessions based on inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci. 18:86-92.
    • Chun, J.U., J.S. Park, C.-H. Bae and J.S. Shin. 2009. Differentially expressed genes related to cold-resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Nagaoka). Korean J. Breed. Sci. 41:73-83.
    • Bae, C.-H. 2008. DNA gel blot analysis of variants of tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum L.) induced by heavy-ion (14N) beam irradiation. J. Basic and Life Res. Sci. 8:53-57.
    • Kazama, Y., H. Saito, M. Miyagai, H. Takehisa, H. Ichida, Y. Miyazawa, K. Mishiba, T. Kanaya, K. Suzuki, C.-H. Bae, K. Miyoshi, M. Mii and T. Abe. 2008. Effect of heavy ion-beam irradiation on plant growth and mutation induction in Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Biotech. 25:105-111.
    • Chun, J.U., D.J. Seo and C.-H. Bae. 2006. Isolation of differentially expressed genes by low temperature treatment in winter oilseed rape (Brassiaca napus L. cv. Tammi). Korean J. Plant Res. 19:440-446.
    • Lyu, J.I., S.H. Lee and C.-H. Bae. 2005. Genetic analysis of tea accessions based on amplified fragment length polymorphism. J. Korean Tea Soc. 11: 93-107.
    • C.-H. Bae., J.S. Chai, J.H. Kim, T G. Yang, J.I. Lyu, H.Y. Lee and D.K. Yang. 2005. Characteristics of tobacco and rice plants irradiated with neutron beam. Korean J. Plant Res. 18:359-366.
    • Lyu, J.I., S.H. Lee, K.C. Lim, G.J. Kim, D.C. Yang and C.-H. Bae. 2003. Genetic diversity among tea (Camellia sinensis) accessions based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns. Plant Resources. 16:195-204.
    • Toyama, K., C.-H. Bae, J.G. Kang, Y.P. Lim, T. Adachi, K.J. Riu, P.S. Song and H.Y. Lee. 2003. Production of herbicide-tolerant zoysiagrass by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Mol. Cells 16:19-17(SCI ).
    • Toyama, K.,C.-H. Bae, M.S. Seo, I.J. Song, Y.P. Lim, P.S. Song and H.Y. Lee. 2002. Overcoming of barriers to transformation in monocot plants. J. Plant Biotech. 4:135-141.
    • Song, I. J.,C.-H. Bae, D.K. Choi, R. Akashi and H.Y. Lee. 2002. Efficient gene introduction into rice callus by using particle inflow gun system. Korean J. of Plant Biotech. 29:223-228.
    • Bae, C.H., Y.L. Lee, Y.P. Lim, Y.W. Seo, D.J. Lee, D.C. Yang and H.Y. Lee. 2002. Selection of herbicide tolerant cell lines from gamma-ray irradiated cell cultures in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Ilpumbyeo) .J. Plan tBiotech. 4:123-127.
    • Jung, J.S., H.S. Han, K.Y. Lee, C.-H. Bae and H.Y. Lee. 2001. A male-associated DNA sequence in a dioecious plant, Schisandra nigra. Breeding Sci. 51:219-223(SCIE).
    • Bae, C.H., T. Abe, T. Matsuyama, N. Fukunish, N. Nagata, T. Nakano, Y. Kaneko, K. Miyoshi, H. Matsushima, and S. Yoshida. 2001. Regulation of chloroplast gene ex-pression is affected in ali, a novel tobacco albino mutant. Annals of Botany 88:545-553(SCI).
    • Bae, C.-H. ,T. Abe, N. Nakata, N. Fukunishi, T. Matsuyama, T. Nakano and S. Yoshida. 2000. Characterization of a periclinal chimera variegated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Plant Sci. 151:93-101(SCI ).
    • Tomoki Matsuyama, Tomoko Abe, Chang-Hyu Bae, Yoshiko Takahashi, Reiko Kiuchi, Takeshi Nakano, Tadao Asami and Shigeo Yoshida. 2000. Adaptation of Restrict landmark genome scanning (RLGS) to plant genome analysis. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 18(4):331-338.

  • 나의식

    나의식 교수 (Rha, Eui-Shik)

    작물유전학연구실, Crop Genetics Lab.
    작물의 유전 및 식물유전자원의 자원화 연구


    • 전북대학교 농과대학 농학과 (농학사)
    • 전북대학교 대학원 농학과 (농학석사)
    • 대만 중흥대학교 농학박사


    • 한국학술진흥재단 Post-Doc. 전북대학교 초빙교수


    • 식물유전·육종
    • 식물유전자원개발
    • 식물내염성유전연구
    • 친환경농업연구


    최근 연구 논문
    • N. Akhtar, S. Khan, S. Rehman, M. Jahagir, R. Ahmad, M. Jamil, E.S. Rha*. 2020. Remediating Effect of Smoke Solution on Shoot of two Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars Under Lead Contaminated Water. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
    • Sehresh Khan, Nazneen Akhtar, Shafiq Ur Rehman, Shaukat Shujah, Eui Shik Rha*, Muhammad Jamil*. 2020. Biosynthesized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) Mitigate Arsenic Toxicity in Rice Seedlings. Toxics
    • Mehvish Riaz Khattak, Gulmeena Shah, Rehan Naeem, Muhammad Fayyaz,, Maha Rehman, Muhammad Anees, Eui Shik Rha* and Muhammad Jamil*, 2021. Assessment of heavy metal tolerance and reduction potential of Bacillus spp. isolated from the soils contaminated with industrial effluents. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
    • Muhammad Jamil, Ijaz Malook, Shafiq Ur Rehman, Muhammad Daud Khan, Muhammad Fayyaz, Muhammad Mudasar Aslam, Eui Shik Rha. 2021. Multivariate geo-statistical perspective: evaluation of agricultural soil contaminated by industrial estate’s effluents. Environ Geochem Health.
    • Nazneen Akhtar, Sehresh Khan, Shafiq Ur Rehman, Zia Ur Rehman, Amana Khatoon, Eui Shik Rha*, Muhammad Jamil. 2021. Synergistic Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Bacteria Reduce Heavy Metals Toxicity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant. Toxics
    • Nazneen Akhtar, Sehresh Khan, Shafiq Ur Rehman, Zia Ur Rehman, Zia Ur Rehman Mashwani, Eui Shik Rha*, and Muhammad Jamil*. 2021. Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Enhance the Tolerance and Remediation Potential of Bacillus spp. against Heavy Metal Stress. Adsorption Science & Technology
    • Kantayos V., Shin W.-C., Kim J.-S., Jeon S.-H., Rha E.-S., Baek S.-H. 2021. Resveratrol-enriched rice identical to original Dongjin rice variety with respect to major agronomic traits in different cultivation years and regions. GM Crops & Food
    • Nazneen Akhtar, Sehresh Khan, Shafiq Ur Rehman, Eui Shik Rha* , Muhammad Jamil. 2022. Combined Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Bacteria on Osmolytes and Antioxidative Parameters of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant Grown in Heavy Metal-Contaminated Water. Hindawi (Adsorption Science & Technology)
    • Nazneen Akhtar, Sehresh Khan, Muhammad Jamil* , Shafiq Ur Rehman, Zia Ur Rehman and Eui Shik Rha*. 2022. Combine Effect of ZnO NPs and Bacteria on Protein and Gene’s ex-pression Profile of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant. toxics
    • Khan S., Akhtar N., Rehman S.U., Shujah S., Rha E.S.*, Jamil M. Bacillus subtilis Synthesized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) Induced etabolic and Anti-Oxidative Response in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Arsenic Stress. 2022. Toxics
    • Chaiwat Monmai, So-Hyeon Baek, Jong-Jin Kim, Jin-Suk Kim, Hyun-Bo Sim, Dor-Won Yun, Sung-Dug Oh, Eui Shik Rha. Protopanaxadiol-Enriched Rice Exerted Antiadipogenic Activity during 3T3-L1 ifferentiation and Anti-Inflammatory Activity in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. 2023. Pharmaceutics
    • Masood, S., Jamil, M.*, Rha, E. S.*, Fayyaz,M, Shah, G, Reham, M.Reham, M., Khan, J., Jahangir, M. S., Ali, R. 2023. Biofilm-Producing Bacteria Enhances Sodium Chloride Stress Tolerance in Maize Seedlings. Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University.
    • Malik Muhammad Saqib, Rehman Abdul, Khan Irfan Ullah, Khan Taj Ali, Jamil Muhammad*, Rha Eui Shik*, Anees Muhammad. 2023. Thermo-neutrophilic cellulases and chitinases characterized from a novel putative antifungal biocontrol agent: Bacillus subtilis TD11. PLOS ONE
    • 알칼리 염류 토양의 생태녹화 기술 (2020)
    • 중국의 황사 건조지 농업기술 (2020)
    • 중국의 간척지 농업기술 (2018)
    • Salinity and Water Stress (Springer Netherlands)
  • 정용화

    정용화 교수 (Cheong, Yong-Hwa)

    식물환경분자생리학 및 생명공학/식물영양생리학/농업유용미생물
    식물분자영양체학연구실, Plant Nutritional Genomics Lab.
    식물생장촉진 유용 미생물 분리 및 병방제 유용물질 기능분석


    • 학사 : 경상대학교 (1986-1989)
    • 석사 : 경상대학교 (1990-1992)
    • 박사 : 경상대학교 (1992-1999)


    • 국립순천대학교 생물환경학과 교수 (2015-현재)
    • 국립순천대학교 생물환경학과 부교수 (2010-2014)
    • 국립순천대학교 생명과학부 생물환경전공 조교수 (2006-2010)
    • 미국 버클리 캘리포니아대학 (UC-Berkeley) 박사후 연구원 (1999-2006)
    • 경상대학교 식물분자생물학 및 유전자조작연구소 박사후 연구원 (1999)
    • 한국식물학회 이사
    • 한국토양비료학회편집위원(2010-2011)
    • 순천대학교 기획평가부처장 (2010-2011)
    • 순천대학교교수회 평위원
    • Journal of Plant Biology Editorial Committe (2015-현재)
    • ISRN Biotechnology Editorial Board (2012-현재)
    • The Scientific World Journal Editorial Board (2013-현재)


    • 식물환경분자생물학 및 생명공학 (Plant Environmental  Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
    • 식물분자영양생리학 및 비료학(Plant Nutritional Genomics and Fertilizer)
    • 농업 유용 미생물 및 식물생장조절미생물 (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria)
    • 미생물 비료 및 미생물 농약 (Microbial biofertilizer and biocontrol)


    • 인삼의 생산성향상을 위한 아버스큘라 균근균 (AMF)접종원의 효과적 접종방법 (2007). 손보균, 조주식, 정용화, 안호근. 국내특허 제 10-0773298호.
    • 지의류 형성 자낭균의 형질전환 시스템 (2013) 허재선, 정용화, 박숙영, 정민혜.  특허출원번호: 제10-2013-0142360호.


    • Girdhar K Pandey, Poonam Kanwar, Amarjeet Singh, Leonie Steinhorst, Amita Pandey, Akhilesh K Yadav, Indu Tokas, Sibaji KSanyal, Boem Gi Kim, Sung Chul Lee, Yong Hwa Cheong, Jorg Kudla, Sheng Luan. (2015) Calcineurin B-Like protein-interacting protein kinase, CIPK21 regulates osmotic and salt stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 780-792 (SCI, 6.841)
    • Min-Hye Jeong, Jung A Kim, Nan Hee Yu, Jae Sung Jung, Soon Gyu Hong, Yong Hwa Cheong, Jae-Seoun Hur (2015) Isolation and characterization of a non-reducing polyketide synthase gene in Cladonia macilenta. Mycoscience. 56: 49-57 (SCI)
    • Yi Wang, Juan Wang, Yong Hwa Cheong and Jae-Seoun Hur (2014) Three New Non-reducing Polyketide Synthase Genes from the Lichen-Forming Fungus Usnea longissima. Mycobiology. 34-40 (SCIE)
    • Ik Won Choi, Dong Cheol Seo, Myung Ja Han,R. D. Delaune,Yong Sik Ok,Weon Tai Jeon,Byung Jin Lim, Yong Hwa Cheong,Hang Won Kang and Ju Sik Cho (2013) Accumulation and Toxicity of Germanium in Cucumber under Different Types of Germaniums. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 44, 3006-3019 (SCIE IF 0.42)
    • Nan Hee Yu, Jung A Kim, Min-Hye Jeong, Yong Hwa Cheong, Soon Gyu Hong, Jae Sung Jung, Young Jin Koh, Jae-Seoun Hur (2014) Diversity of endophytic fungi associated with bryophyte in the maritime Antarctic (King George Island). Polar Biology. 37, 27-36 (SCI, IF 2.006)
    • Sook-Young Park, Min-Hye Jeong, Hai-Ying Wang, Jung A. Kim, Nan-Hee Yu, Sungbeom Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Seogchan Kang, Yong-Hwan Lee, Jae-Seoun Hur (2013) Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation of the Lichen Fungus, Umbilicaria muehlenbergii. PLoS ONE 8(12): e83896. (SCI IF 3.730)
    • Chang Ho Kang, Byeong Cheol Moon, Hyeong Cheol Park, Sung Cheol Koo, Yong Hun Chi, Yong Hwa Cheong, Byung-Dae Yoon, Sang Yeol Lee, and Cha Young Kim (2013) Rice Small C2-Domain Proteins Are Phosphorylated by Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase. Molecules and Cells. 35, 381-387 (SCI, IF 2.178)
    • Nan Hee Yu, Jung A Kim, Min Hye Jeong, Yong Hwa Cheong, Jae Sung Jung, Jae-Seoun Hur (2013) Characterization of two novel non-reducing polyketide synthase genes from the lichen-forming fungus Hypogymnia physodes. Mycological Progress. 12, 519-524 (SCI, IF 1.554)
    • Hyun Jin Chun, Hyeong Cheol Park, Sung Cheol Koo, Ju Huck Lee, Chan Young Park, Man Soo Choi, Chang Ho Kang, Dongwon Baek, Yong Hwa Cheong, Dae-Jin Yun, Woo Sik Chung, Moo Je Cho, and Min Chul Kim (2012) Constitutive ex-pression of Mammalian Nitric Oxide Synthase in Tobacco Plants Triggers Disease Resistance to Pathogens. Molecules and Cells. 34, 463-471 (SCI, IF 2.178)
    • Jung A Kim, Soon Gyu Hong, Yong Hwa Cheong, Young Jin Koh, Jae-Seoun Hur (2012) A new reducing polyketide synthase gene from the lichen-forming fungus Cladonia metacorallifera. Mycologia, 104(2), 362-370 (SCI, IF 2.031)
    • Yi Wang, Jung A Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Young Jin Koh, Jae-Seoun Hur (2012) Isolation and characterization of a non-reducing polyketide synthase gene from the lichen-forming fungus Usnea longissima.Mycological Progress. 11, 75-83. (SCI, IF 1.266)
    • Chang Ho Kang, Byoung Cheol Moon, Hyeong Cheol Park, Seong Cheol Koo, Joo Mi Jeon, Yong Hwa Cheong, Woo Sik Chung, Chae Oh Lim, Jae-Yeon Kim, Byung-Dae Yoon, Sang Yeol Lee, Cha Young Kim (2011) Rice OsERG3 encodes an unusual small C2-domain protein containing a Ca2+-binding module but lacking phospholipid-binding properties. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects.1810(12): 1317-1322. (IF. 4.663)
    • Yi Wang, Jung A Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Yogesh Joshi, Young Jin Koh, Jae-Seoun Hur (2011) Isolation and characterization of a reducing polyketide synthase gene from the lichen-forming fungus Usnea longissima. Journal of Microbiology. 49(3): 473-480. (SCI, IF 1.266)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong (corresponding author), Min Chul Kim (2010) Functions of MAPK Cascade Pathways in Plant Defense Signaling. Plant Pathol. J. 26(2) : 101-109 (SCIE, IF 0.74) 
    • Yong Hwa Cheong (corresponding author), Sun Jin Sung, Beom Gi Kim, Girdhar K Pandey, Ju-Sik Cho, Kyung Nam Kim, Sheng Luan (2010) Constitutive overex-pression of the calcium sensor CBL5 confers osmotic or drought stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Molecules and Cells. 29(2), 159-165 (SCI, IF 2.023)
    • Lee Chae, Yong Hwa Cheong (*co-first author), Kyung-Nam Kim, Girdhar K. Pandey and Sheng Luan (2009) Protein Kinases and Phosphatases for Stress Signal Transduction in Plant. In: Abiotic Stress Adaptation in Plants: Physiological, Molecular and Genomic Foundation Editors: Ashwani Pareek, Sudhir K. Sopory, Hans J. Bohnert, Govindjee; Springer (Dordrecht, The Netherlands). pp123-163
    • Hyoun Soo Lim, Myung Ja Han, Dong Cheol Seo, Ji Hee Kim, Jae Il Lee, Hyun Park, Jae-Seoun Hur, Yong Hwa Cheong, Jong Soo Heo, Ho Il Yoon and Ju-Sik Cho (2009) Heavy Metal Concentrations in the Fruticose Lichen Usnea aurantiacoatra from King George Island, South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica. J. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem (JKSABC). 52(5), 503-508. (SCIE)
    • Sung Cheol Koo, Byeong Cheol Moon, Jong Kyong Kim, Cha Young Kim, Sun Jin Sung, Min Chul Kim, Moo Je Cho and Yong Hwa Cheong (Corresponding author) (2009) OsBWMK1 mediates SA-dependent defense responses by activating the transcription factor OsWRKY33. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC). 387, 365-370. (SCI, IF 2.648)
    • Eun Ju Cho, Do Jin Lee, Chi Do Wee, Hong Lim Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Ju Sik Cho and Bo Kyoon Sohn (2009) Effects of AMF inoculation on growth of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer seedlings and on soil structures in mycorrhizosphere. Scientia Horticulturae. 122, 633-637. (SCI, IF 0.859)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong, Sung Un Kim, Dong Cheol Seo, Nam Ik Chang, Jun Bae Lee, Jong Hwan Park, Kap Soon Kim, Sang Don Kim, Hyeon Tae Kim, Jong-Soo Heo and Ju-Sik Cho (2009) Effect of Inorganic and Organic Germanium (Ge) Treatments on the Growth of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). J. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem (JKSABC). 52(4). 389-396. (SCIE)
    • Sung Cheol Koo, Man Soo Choi, Hyun Jin Chun, Hyeong Cheol Park, Chang Ho Kang, Sang In Shim, Jong Il Chung, Yong Hwa Cheong, Sang Yeol Lee, Dae-Jin Yun, Woo Sik Chung, Moo Je Cho and Min Chul Kim (2009) Identification and Characterization of Alternative Promoters of Rice MAP Kinase Gene, OsBWMK1. Molecules and Cells. 27(4), 467-473. (SCI, IF 2.023)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong (Co-corespondence), Myung Ja Han, Sun Jin Sung, Dong-Cheol Seo, Jong-Gu Kang, Bo-Kyoon Sohn, Jong Soo Heo and Ju Sik Cho (2009) Effects of Selenium Supplement on Germination, Sprout Growth and Selenium Uptake in Four Vegetables. Korean J. Environ. Agric, 28(2), 179-185.
    • Girdhar K. Pandey, John J. Grant, Yong Hwa Cheong, Beom-Gi Kim, Le Gong Li and Sheng Luan (2008) Calcineurin-B-Like Protein CBL9 Interacts with Target Kinase CIPK3 in the Regulation of ABA Response in Seed Germination. Molecular Plant. 1, 238-248. (SCIE)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong, Girdhar K. Pandey, John J. Grant, Oliver Batistic, Legong Li, Beom-Gi Kim, Sung-Chul Lee, Jorg Kudla and Sheng Luan (2007) Two calcineurin B-like calcium sensors, interacting with protein kinase CIPK23, regulate leaf transpiration and root potassium uptake in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 52, 223-239. (SCI, IF 6.565)
    • Beom-Gi Kim*, Rainer Waadt*, Yong Hwa Cheong* (*equal-first author), Girdhar K. Pandey, Jose R. Dominguez-Solis, Stefanie Schultke, Sung Chul Lee, Jorg Kudla and Sheng Luan (2007) The calcium sensor CBL10 mediates salt tolerance by regulating ion homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 52(3), 473-484. (SCI, IF 6.565)
    • Sung Chul Lee, Wen-Zhi Lan, Beom-Gi Kim, Legong Li, Yong Hwa Cheong, Girdhar K. Pandey, Guihua Lu, Bob B. Buchanan and Sheng Luan (2007) A protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation network regulates a plant potassium channel. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104, 15959-15964. (SCI, IF 9.643)
    • Hong-Gi Kim, Dong-Cheol Seo, Yong Hwa Cheong, Chang-Sun Kang, Bo-Kyoon Sohn, Do-Jin Lee, Jong-Gu Kang, Moon-Su Park, Jong Soo Heo, Bong-Su Kim and Ju Sik Cho (2007) Effects of Different Humic Acids on Growth and Fruit Quality of Tomato Plant. Korean J. Environ. Agric. 26(4), 313-318.
    • Myung Ja Han, Sung Un Kim, Dong-Cheol Seo, Yong Hwa Cheong, Do-Jin Lee, Moon-Su Park, Yo-Sup Rim, Bo-Kyoon Sohn, Jong Soo Heo and Ju Sik Cho (2007) Uptake Properties of Germanium to Vegetable Plants and Its Effect on Seed Germination and on Early Stage Growth. Korean J. Environ. Agric. 26(3), 217-222.
    • Sung Cheol Koo, Hae Won Yoon, Cha Young Kim, Byeong Cheol Moon, Yong Hwa Cheong, Hay Ju Han, Sang Min Lee, Kyu Young Kang, Min Chul Kim, Sang Yeol Lee, Woo Sik Chung and Moo Je Cho (2007) Alternative splicing of the OsBWMK1 gene generates three transcript variants showing differential subcellular localizations. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. (BBRC). 360, 188-193. (SCI, IF 2.855)
    • Girdhar K Pandey, Yong Hwa Cheong,Beom-Gi Kim, John J Grant, Legong Li , Sheng Luan (2007) CIPK9: a calcium sensor-interacting protein kinase required for low-potassium tolerance in Arabidopsis. Cell Research. 17(5):411-421. (SCI, IF 3.426).
    • Sung Un Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Dong Cheol Seo, Jae Seoun Hur, Jong Soo Heo and Ju Sik Cho (2007) Characterisation of heavy metal tolerance and biosorption capacity of bacterium strain CPB4 (Bacillus spp.). Water Science and Technology, 55(1-2), 105?111. (SCI, IF 0.875)
    • Cecilia D'Angelo, Stefan Weinl, Oliver Batistic, Girdhar K. Pandey, Yong Hwa Cheong, Stefanie Schultke, Veronica Albrecht, Britta Ehlert, Burkhard Schulz, Klaus Harter, Sheng Luan, Ralph Bock and Jorg Kudla (2006) Alternative complex formation of the Ca2+-regulated protein kinase CIPK1 controls abscisic acid-dependent and independent stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 48, 867-872. (SCI, IF: 6.969
    • Legong Li, Beom-Gi Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Girdhar K. Pandey and Sheng Luan. (2006) A Ca2+ signaling pathway regulates a K+ channel for low-K response in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,103: 12625-12630. (SCI, IF: 10.231
    • Kyung Ae Yang, Chan Ju Lim, Joon Ki Hong, Chan Young Park, Yong Hwa Cheong, Woo Sik Chung, Kyun Oh Lee, Sang Yeol Lee, Moo Je Cho and Chae Oh Lim. (2006) Identification of cell wall genes modified by a permissive high temperature in Chinese cabbage. Plant Science 171: 175-182. (SCI, IF: 1.605)
    • Girdhar K.Pandey, John J.Grant, Yong Hwa Cheong, Beom-Gi Kim, Legong Li and Sheng Luan (2005) ABR1, an AP2-domain transcription functions as a repressor of ABA response in arabidopsis. Plant Physiol.139, 1185-1193. (SCI, IF: 5.881)
    • Yong-sic Hwang, Paul C. Bethke, Yong Hwa Cheong, Hur-Song Chang, Tong Zhu and Russell L. Jones (2005) A gibberellin-regulated calcineurin B in rice localizes to the tonoplast and is implicated in vacuole function. Plant Physiol. 138, 1347-1358. (SCI, IF: 5.881)
    • Girdhar K.Pandey, Yong Hwa Cheong, Kyung-Nam Kim, John J.Grant, Legong Li, Wendy Hung, Cecilia d Angelo, Stefan Weinl, Jorg Kudla and Sheng Luan (2004) The calcium sensor calcineurin B-like 9 modulates abscisic Acid sensitivity and biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 16: 1912-1924. (SCI, IF: 11.295)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong, Kyung-Nam Kim, Girdhar K Pandey, Rageev Gupta, John J. Grant and Sheng Luan (2003). CBL1, a calcium sensor that differentially regulates salt, drought and cold responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 15: 1833-1845. (SCI, IF: 10.679)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong, Byeong Cheol Moon, Jong Kyong Kim, Cha Young Kim, Min Chul Kim, Ihn Hyoung Kim, Chan Young Park, Jong Cheol Kim, Byung Ouk Park, So Young Lee, Hae Won Yoon, Woo Sik Chung, Chae Oh Lim, Sang Yeol Lee and Moo Je Cho (2003). BWMK1, a rice mitogen activated protein kinase, locates in nucleus and mediates pathogenesis-related gene ex-pression by activation a transcription factor. Plant Physiol. 132: 1961-1972. (SCI, IF: 5.634)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong*, Kyung-Nam Kim, John J. Grant, Girdhar K Pandey and Sheng Luan (2003). CIPK3, a calcium sensor-associated protein kinase that regulates abscisic acid and cold signal transduction in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 15: 411-423 (*equal contributor for first author). (SCI, IF: 10.679)
    • Choi JY, Lee SH, Park CY, Heo WD, Kim JC, Kim MC, Chung WS, Moon BC, Cheong YH, Kim CY, Yoo JH, Koo JC, Ok HM, Chi SW, Ryu SE, Lee SY, Lim CO and Cho MJ. (2002) Identification of calmodulin isoform-specific binding peptidesfrom a phage-displayed random 22-mer peptide library. J Biol Chem. 277(24): 21630-21638. (SCI, IF: 6.696)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong, Hur-Song Chang, Rajeev Gupta, Xun Wang, Tong Zhu and Sheng Luan (2002) Transcriptional profiling reveals novel pathway interactions between wounding, pathogen, abiotic stress and hormonal responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 129: 661-677. (SCI, IF: 5.800)
    • Hyeong Cheol Park, Yun Hwan Kang, Hyun Jin Chun, Ja Choon Koo, Yong Hwa Cheong, Cha Young Kim, Min Chul Kim, Woo Sik Chung, Jong Cheol Kim, Jae Hyuk Yoo, Yoon Duck Koo, Sung Chul Koo, Chae Oh Lim, Sang Yeol Lee and Moo Je Cho (2002) Characterization of a stamen-specific cDNA encoding a novel plant defensin in chinese cabbage. Plant Mol. Biol. 50: 5969. (SCI, IF: 4.529)
    • Jong Cheol Kim, Sang Hyoung Lee, Yong Hwa Cheong, Cheol Min Yoo, Soo In Lee, Hyun Jin Chun, Dae Jin Yoon, Jong Chan Hong, Sang Yeol Lee, Chae Oh Lim and Moo Je Cho (2001) A novel cold-inducible zinc finger protein from soybean, SCOF-1, enhances cold tolerance in transgenic plants. Plant J. 25, 247-259. (SCI, IF: 5.629)
    • Kyung-Nam Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Rajeev Gupta and Sheng Luan (2000) Intreaction specificity of Arabidopsis calcineurin B-like calcium sensors and their target kinases. Plant Physiol. 124, 1844-1853. (SCI, IF: 4.831)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong, Cha Young Kim, Hyun Jin Chun, Byeong Cheol Moon, Jong Kyoung Kim, Hyeong Cheol Park, Sung-Ho Lee, Chang-deok Han, Sang Yeol Lee and Moo Je Cho (2000) Molecular cloning of a soybean class III beta-1,3-glucanase gene that is regulated both developmentally and in response to pathogen infection. Plant Sci.154, 71-81. (SCI, IF: 1.259)
    • Cha Young Kim, Sung-Ho Lee, Hyeong Cheol Park, Chang Gyu Bae, Yong Hwa Cheong, Young Ju Choi, Chang-deok Han, Sang Yeol Lee and Moo Je Cho (2000) Identification of rice blast fungal elicitor responsive genes by differential display analysis. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 13, 470-474. (SCI, IF: 3.448)
    • Sung-Ho Lee, Young Goel Shon , Cha Young Kim, Hyun Jin Chun, Yong Hwa Cheong, Zhoo Hyeon Kim, Zhin Ryong Choe, Young Ju Choi and Moo Je Cho (1999) Variations in the morphology of rice plants regenerated from protoplasts using different culture procedures: Protoclonal variation of protoplast-derived rice plants. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 57, 179-187. (SCI, IF: 0.498)
    • Sang Hyoung Lee, Min Chul Kim, Jong Cheol Kim, Won Do Heo, Kyung Joo Lee, Woo Sik Chung, Hyeong Cheol Park, Yong Hwa Cheong, Cha Young Kim, Chan Young Park, Sung-Ho Lee and Moo Je Cho (1999) Competitive binding of calmodulinisoforms to calmodulin-binding proteins: Implication for the function of calmodulin isoforms in plants. Biochem. Biophy. Acta. 1433, 56-67. (SCI, IF: 2.590)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong, Cheol Min Yoo, Jeong Mee Park, Gyeong Ryeol Ryu, Virginia H. Goekjian, Ron T. Nagao, Joe L. Key, Moo Je Cho and Jong Chan Hong (1998) STF1 is a novel TGACG-binding factor with a zinc-finger motif and a bZIP domain which heterodimerizes with GBF proteins. Plant J. 15, 199-209. (SCI, IF: 5.765)
    • Cha Young Kim, Sang Wan Gal, Mi Sook Choe, Sun Yong Jeong, Soo In Lee, Yong Hwa Cheong, Sang Hyeong Lee, Young Ju Choi, Chang-deok Han, Kyu Young Kang and Moo Je Cho (1998) A new class II rice chitinase, Rcht2, whose induction by fungal elicitor is abolished by protein phosphatase 1 and 2A inhibitor. Plant Mol. Biol. 37, 523-534. (SCI, IF: 2.966)
    • Ja Choon Koo, So Young Lee, Hyun Jin Chun, Yong Hwa Cheong, Jae Su Choi, Shun-ichiro Kawabata, Masaru Miyagi, Susumu Tsunasawa, Kwon Soo Ha, Dong Won Bae, Chang-deok Han, Bok Luel Lee and Moo Je Cho (1998) Two heveinhomologs isolated from the seed of Pharbitis nil L. exhibit potent antifungal activity. Biochem. Biophy. Acta 1382, 80-90. (SCI, IF: 2.478)
    • Sang Wan Gal, Ji Young Choi, Cha Young Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Young Ju Choi, Jeong Dong Bahk, Sang Yeol Lee and Moo Je Cho (1998) Cloning of a 52-kDa chitinase gene from Serratia marcescens KCTC2172 and its proteolytic cleavage into an active 35-kDa enzyme. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 160, 151-158. (SCI, IF: 1.581)
    • Sang Wan Gal, Ji Young Choi, Cha Young Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Young Ju Choi, Jeong Dong Bahk, Sang Yeol Lee and Moo Je Cho (1997) Isolation and characterization of the 54-kDa and 22-kDa chitinase genes of Serratia marcescens KCTC2172. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 151, 197-204. (SCI, IF: 1.581)
    • Sang Hyoung Lee, Hae Young Seo, Jong Cheol Kim, Won Do Heo, Woo Sik Chung, Kyoung Joo Lee, Min Chul Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Ji Young Choi, Chae Oh Lim and Moo Je Cho (1997) Differential activation of NAD kinase by plant calmodulin isoforms: the critical role of domain I. J. Biol. Chem. 272, 9252-9259. (SCI, IF: 7.199)
    • Jong Chan Hong, Yong Hwa Cheong, Ron T. Nagao, Jeong Dong Bahk, Joe L. Key and Moo Je Cho (1995) Isolation of two soybean G-box binding factors which interact with a G-box sequence of an auxin-responsive gene. Plant J. 8, 199-211. (SCI, IF: 5.765)
    • Jong Chan Hong, Yong Hwa Cheong, Ron T. Nagao, Jeong Dong Bahk, Moo Je Cho and Joe L. Key (1994) Isolation and characterizarion of three soybean extensin cDNAs. Plant Physiol. 104, 793-796. (SCI, IF: 4.521)
    • Yong Hwa Cheong, Jeong Mee Park, Cheol Min Yoo, Jeong Dong Bahk, Moo Je Cho and Jong Chan Hong (1994) Isolation and characterization of STGA1, a member of the TGA1 family of bZIP transcription factors from soybean. Mol. Cells 4, 405-412.
    • Pyung Gyun Shin, Gun Do Kim, Yong Hwa Cheong, Sang Yeol Lee, Jeong Dong Bahk, Jong Chan Hong and Moo Je Cho (1993) Characterization of a Ca++/Calmodulin dependent phosphorylated protein expressed at the early stages of soybean germination. Korean Biochem. J. 26, 125-131.
  • 김행훈

    김행훈 교수 (Kim, Haeng-Hoon)

    작물생리학연구실, Crop Physiology Lab.
    식량농업 영양체 및 멸종위기 유전자원 초저온동결보존, 종자개발·생산연구


    • 순천대학교 농학과 (농학사)
    • 서울대학교 식물생산과학부 (농학석사)
    • 서울대학교 식물생산과학부 (농학박사)


    • 농촌진흥청 농업연구사 (1992.7-2009.5)
    • 농촌진흥청 농업연구관 (2009.6-2012.2)
    • 종자기술사 (한국산업인력공단, 2007.9)
    • CryoLetters (국제저온생물학회지) 편집위원(2010-)
    • 농촌진흥청 국제전문관 (2010.3-2011)
    • 농촌진흥청 국외상주연구원 (2011.9-2012.2)
    • 세계 3대 인명사전인 The Marquis Who's Who in the World와 International Biographical Centre(IBC) 등 2개의 인명사전 등재 (2014, 2015)


    • 유전자원의 보존 및 이용
    • 멸종위기식물의 초저온동결보존


    • HH Kim. 2008. Flash drying tea zygotic embryos. (In) BM Reed(ed.). Plant Cryopreservation: a practical guide. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-72275-7. pp. 237-238.
    • Popova, E, KY Baek and HH Kim. 2011. Cryopreservation of medicinal plants: the case of in vitro cultures. (eds) A. Kumar and S. Roy. In: Plant Tissue Culture and Applied Plant Biotechnology.
    • 3정 식물유전자원학. 박철호, 김행훈 외. 2012. 도서출판 진솔.
    • 김행훈. 2014. 식물유전자원의 보존. 강정훈 등. 식물유전자원의 이해. pp. 305-338. 농촌진흥청. ISBN 978-89-480-2684-9 93520.
    최근 주요논문
    • Kim, HH, E Popova, DJ Shin, JY Yi, CH Kim, JS Lee, MK Yoon, F Engelmann. 2012. Cryobanking of Korean Allium germplasm collections: results from 10 year experience. CryoLetters 33 (1): 45-57.
    • Yi, JY, I Sylvestre, M Colin, M Salma, SY Lee, HH Kim, HJ Park, F Engelmann. 2012. Improved cryopreservation using droplet-vitrification and histological changes associated cryopreservation of madder. Kor. J Hort. Sci. Technol. 30(1): 79-84.
    • Kim, YS, YK Kim, H Xu, MR Uddin, NI Park, HH Kim, SC Chae, SU Park. 2012. Improvement of ornamental characteristics in Rehmannia elata through Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation. Plant Omics Journal 5(4): 376-380.
    • Bae, H, YB Kim, NI Park, HH Kim, YS Kim, MY Lee, SU Park. 2012. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformation of radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Valentine) for accumulation of anthocyanin. Plant Omics Journal 5(4): 381-385.
    • Thwe, AA, NT Mai, X Li, Y Kim, YB Kim, MR Uddin, YS Kim, H Bae, HH Kim, MY Lee, SU Park 2012. Production of Astragaloside and Flavones from Adventitious Root Cultures of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus. Plant Omics Journal 5(5): 466-470.
    • Chae, SC, HH Kim, SU Park. 2012. Ethylene inhibitors enhance shoot organogenesis of gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa). The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2012, Article ID 859381, doi:10.1100/2012/859381.
    • Tuan, PA, JK Kim, J Lee, WT Park, DY Kwon, YB Kim, HH Kim, HR Kim, SU Park. 2012. Analysis of carotenoid accumulation and ex-pression of carotenoid biosynthesis genes in different organs of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis). EXCLI Journal 2012:11:508-516.
    • Li, XL, NI Park, YB Kim, HH Kim, CH Park, Q Wue, SU Park. 2012. Accumulation of flavonoids and ex-pression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes in tartary and rice-tartary buckwheat. Process Biochemistry 47: 2306-2310.
    • Kim, HH, SC Lee. 2012. Personalisation of droplet-vitrification protocols for plant cells: a systematic approach to optimising chemical and osmotic effects. CryoLetters 33(4): 271-279.
    • Shin, DJ, H Kong, E Popova, HK Moon, SY Park, SU Park, SC Lee, HH Kim. 2012. Cryopreservation of Kalopanax septemlobus embryogenic callus using vitrification and droplet-vitrification. CryoLetters 33(5): 402-410.
    • Kim, HH, E Popova, DJ Shin, CH Bae, HJ Baek, SU Park, F Engelmann. 2012. Development of a droplet-vitrification protocol for cryopreservation of Rubia akane hairy roots using a systematic approach. CryoLetters 33(6): 506-517.
    • Uddin, R, HH Kim, JH Lee, SU Park. 2013. Neuroprotective effects of medicinal plants. EXCLI Journal 12: 541-545.
    • Kim, YB, X Li, SJ Kim, HH Kim, J Lee, HR Kim, SU Park. 2013. MYB transcription factors regulate glucosinolate biosynthesis in different organs of Chinese cabbage. Molecules 18: 8682-8695; doi:10.3390/molecules18078682.
    • Kim, HH, DY Kwon, H Bae, SJ Kim, YB Kim, MR Uddin, SU Park. 2013. Influence of auxins on glucosinolate biosynthesis in hairy root cultures of broccoli. Asian Journal of Chemistry 25(11): 6099-6101.
    • Kim, YB, AA Thwe, YJ Kim, X Li, HH Kim, PB Park, T Suzuki, SJ Kim, SU Park. 2013. Characterization of genes for a putative hydroxycinnamoyl coenzyme A quinate transferase and p-coumarate 3′-hydroxylase and chlorogenic acid accumulation in tartary buckwheat. dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf4000659 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 61: 4120-4126.
    • Chae, S.C., S.W. Lee, J.K. Kim, W.T. Park, M.R. Uddin, H.H. Kim, S.U. Park. 2013. Variation of carotenoid content in Agastache rugosa and Agastache foeniculum. Asian J Chemistry 25(8): 4364-4366.
    • Lim, SS, JM Jang, WT Park, MR Uddin, SC Chae, HH Kim, SU Park. 2013. Chemical composition of essential oils from flower and leaf of Korean mint, Agastache rugosa. Asian J Chemistry 25(8): 4361-4363.
    • Kim, YB, MK Lee, SJ Kim, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2013. Accumulation of γ-aminobutyric acid and transcription of glutamate decarboxylase in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. Plant Omics 6:263-267.
    • Kim, YK, SY Suh, MR Uddin, YB Kim, HH Kim, SW Lee, SU Park. 2013. Variation in amino acid content among three Aloe species. Asian J Chemistry 25: 6346-6348.
    • Li, X, YB Kim, Y Kim, S Zhao, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2013. Differential stress-response ex-pression of two flavonol synthase genes and accumulation of flavonols in tartary buckwheat. Journal of Plant Physiology 170: 1630-1636.
    • S Mohammad, I Engelmann-Sylvestre, M Collin, J Escoute, M Lartaud, JY Yi, HH Kim, JL Verdeil, F Engelmann. 2013. Effect of the successive steps of a cryopreservation protocol on the structural integrity of Rubia akane Nakai hairy roots. Protoplasma DOI 10.1007/s00709-013-0565-0.
    • Yan, YZ, XG Li, XJ Jin, YK Kim, MR Uddin, HH Kim, SJ Kim, SU Park. 2013. Mineral contents in the roots of blue and white flowered Platycodon grandiflorum from China and Korea. Asian J Chemistry 25: 7103-7105.
    • Kim, YK, WT Park, MR Uddin, YB Kim, H Bae, HH Kim, KW Park, SU Park. 2014. Variation of charantin content in different bitter melon cultivars. Asian J Chemistry 26(1): 309-310.
    • Kim, YB, MR Uddin, MK Lee, SJ Kim, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2014. Accumulation of free amino acids in different organs of green and red mustard cultivars. Asian J Chemistry 26(2): 396-398.
    • Lee SW, JK Kim, MR Uddin, YB Kim, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2014. Variation of carotenoid content in different bitter melon cultivars. Asian J Chemistry 26(2): 461-463.
    • Kim, YB, JK Kim, MR Uddin, CH Park, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2014. Carotenoid contents in different millets cultivars collected from China and Korea. Asian J Chemistry 26(2): 464-466.
    • Kim, YB, KS Kim, YJ Kim, PA Tuan, HH Kim, JW Cho, SU Park. 2014. Cloning and characterization of a flavonol synthase gene from Scutellaria baicalensis. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 980740.
    • Kim, JK, YS Kim, YJ Kim, MR Uddin, YB Kim, HH Kim, SY Park, MY Lee, SO Chung, SU Park. 2014. Comparative analysis of flavonoids and polar metabolites from hairy roots of Scutellaria baicalensis and S. lateriflora. World J Microbial Biotechnol 30: 887-892.
    • Park, SU, HJ Kong, DJ Shin, CH Bae, SC Lee, CH Bae, ES Rha and HH Kim. 2014. Development of vitrification protocol in Rubia akane (Nakai) hairy roots using a systematic approach. CryoLetters 35: 138-144.
    • Cueto, C, RL Rivera, HH Kim, HJ Kong, HJ Baek, L Sebastian and HJ Baek. 2014. Development of cryopreservation protocols for cryobanking of coconut zygotic embryos. Acta Horticulturae 1039: 297-302.
    • Park, WT, HH Kim, SC Chae, JW Cho and SU Park. 2014. Phenylpropanoids in Agastache foeniculum and its cultivar A. foeniculum ‘Golden Jubilee'. Asian Journal of Chemistry 26: 4599-4601.
    • Thwe, AA, YJ Kim, X Li, YB Kim, NI Park, HH Kim, SJ Kim and SU Park. Accumulation of phenylpropanoids and correlated gene ex-pression in hairy roots of tartary buckwheat under light and dark conditions. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 174: 2537-2547.
    • da Silva JAT, HH Kim and F Engelmann. 2014. Chrysanthemum low temperature storage and cryopreservation: a review. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture DOI 10.1007/s11240-0641-y.
    • Shin, DJ, HE Lee, CH Bae, SU Park, HN Kang and HH Kim. 2014. Development of an encapsulation-vitrification protocol for Rubia akane hairy roots: a comparison with non-encapsulation. CryoLetters 35: 377-384.
  • 홍기정 교수

    홍기정 교수 (Hong, Ki-Jeong)

    일반곤충학연구실, General Entomology Lab.
    농림업 해충의 분류 및 발생생태 연구/식물검역 및 외래해충의 위험평가 연구


    • 1982년 3월 ~ 1986년 2월 서울대학교 학사
    • 1990년 3월 ~ 1992년 2월 서울대학교 대학원 석사
    • 1994년 3월 ~ 1998년 8월 서울대학교 대학원 박사


    • 1990년 7월 1일 ~ 1992년 1월 31일 경기도농촌진흥원 농업연구사
    • 1992년 2월 1일 ~ 1999년 5월 31일 농촌진흥청 농업연구사
    • 1999년 6월 1일 ~ 2007년 6월 13일 국립식물검역원 농업연구사
    • 2007년 6월 14일 ~ 2011년 6월 14일 국립식물검역원 농업연구관
    • 2011년 6월 15일 ~ 2013년 2월 28일 농림수산검역검사본부 농업연구관
    • 2013년 3월 1일 ~ 현재 국립순천대학교 식물의학과 교수


    • 곤충분류 - 딱정벌레목 바구미상과
    • 식물검역 및 병해충위험분석(PRA), 생물안보(Biosecurity)
    • 저장물 및 가옥 내 해충관리


    • Jong-Ok Lim, Sang-Wook park, Bong-Woo Lee and Ki-Jeong Hong. 2013. A newly recorded genus, Cyphagogus Parry (Coleoptera: Brentidae) from Korea based on C. iwatensis Morimoto, 1976. J. of Asia Pacific Entomology, 16: 99-102.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong, Seongwook Hong, Changsuk Ryu and Yonghyun Lee. 2012. Navel Orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Intercepted from Fresh fruit of Orange from USA at the Korean Port of Entry. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology, 51(3): 295-297.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong, Jong-Ho Lee, Gwan-Seok Lee and Seunghwan Lee. 2012. The Status Quo of Invasive Alien Insect Species and Plant Quarantine in Korea. J. of Asia Pacific Entomology, 15(3): 521-532.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong, DongHyun Yu and Sangwook Park. 2012. New Host and Life Cycle of a Medicinal Herb Pest, Dendrobaris maculata (Roelofs) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae). J. of Asia Pacific Entomology, 15(1): 31-33.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong, Sangwook Park and Taewoo Kim. 2011. A New Record of the Family Brachyceridae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) and a New Species, Desmidophorus hebes (Fabricius), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology, 50(3): 179-184.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong, Junsuk Oh, Yangsu Lee and Sangwook Park. 2011. Cossonid Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) infested on Wood Cultural Properties. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology, 50(3): 247-251.
    • Yeyeun Kim, Minyoung Kim, Ki-jeong Hong and Seunghwan Lee. 2011. Outbreak of an exotic Flatid, Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Hemiptera: Flatidae), in the capital region of Korea. J. of Asia Pacific Entomology, 14(4): 473-478.
    • Hyojoong Kim, Minyoung Kim, Deok Ho Kwon, Sangwook Park, Yerim Lee, Hyoyoung Jang, Seunghwan Lee, Si Hyeock Lee, Junhao Huang, Ki-Jeong Hong and Yikweon Jang. 2011. Development and characterization of 15 microsatellite loci from Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). Animal Cells and Systems, 15(3): 1-6.
    • D.-S. Park, S.-J. Suh, P.D.N. Hebert, H.-W. Oh and K.-J. Hong. 2011. DNA barcodes for two scale insect families, mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) and armored scales (Hemiptera: Diaspididae). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 101(4): 429-434.
    • Doo-Sang Park, Yu Jin Leem, Kyu-Woong Hahn, Soo-Jung Suh, Ki-Jeong Hong, and Hyun-Woo Oh. 2010. Molecular Identification of Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Found on Korean Pears. Journal of Economic Entomology, 103(1): 25-33.
    • Seung-Weon Yang, Gyu-Yul Shim, Jeong-Ho Kim, Ki-Jeong Hong and Young-Gi Jeong. 2009. Exotic Pest, Hunting Billbug, Sphenophorus venatus vestitus Chittenden (Coleoptera, Dryophthoridae) in Korea. Kor. Turfgrass Sci., 23(2): 265-270.
    • Sangwook Park, Ki-Jeong Hong and Dongpyeo Lyu. 2009. A Review of the Tribe Trachodini Gistel, 1848 from Korea (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Korean J. Appl. Entomol., 48(1): 5-10.
    • Sangwook Park, Ki-Jeong Hong, Sangchil Shin, Kwangsik Choi and Wonil Choi. 2008. Newly Recorded Species of the Family Curculionidae in Korea (Coleoptera; Curculionidae). Korean J. Appl. Entomol., 47(2): 117-126.
    • Bong-Kyu Byun, Tae-Sung Kwon, Gap-Jae Weon, Dong-Gwang Jo, Bong-Woo Lee, You-Mi Lee, Hyeok-Jae Choi, Cheol-Hak Kim, Seung-Hwan Lee, Yang-Seop Bae, Seung-Lak An, Ki-Jeong Hong, Shin-Young Park, Jonk-Ok Lim and Doo-Hui Kwon. 2007. Occurrence of Callipogon relictus Semenov (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Gwangneung Forest, Korea with Suggestions for the Conservation. Korean J. Appl. Entomol., 46(1): 19-25.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong, Young-Dae Kwon, Sang-Wook Park and Dong-Pyeo Lyu. 2006. Platypus koryoensis (Murayama) (Platypodidae; Coleoptera), the Vector of Oak Wilt Disease. Korean J. Appl. Entomol., 45(2): 113-117.
    • Boris A. Korotyaev and Ki-Jeong Hong. 2004. A Revised List of the Weevil Subfamily Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera; Curculionidae) of the Korean Fauna, with Contribution to the Knowledge of the Fauna of Neighbouring Countries. J. of Asia Pacific Entomology, 7(2): 143-169.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong. 2004. Anthonomus (Anthonomus) persicae sp. nov. on Peach Flower Bud and a Key to Korean Anthonomini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). J. of Asia Pacific Entomology, 7(1): 29-32.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong and Boris A. Korotyaev. 2002. On Some Species of Curculionidae (Coleoptera) from North Korea. Korean J. Appl. Entomol., 41(3): 151-169. Sangwook Park, Ki-Jeong Hong, Kun-Suk Woo and Yong-Jung Kwon. 2001. A Review of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera) from the Korean Peninsula. Ins. Koreana, 18(2): 171-200.
    • Han, Kyungduk, Ki-Jeong Hong and Il Byong Yoon. 2000. Taxonomy of the Genus Pseudocneorhinus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) of South Korea. Korean Journal of Entomology, 30(1): 33-41.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong, Andrei B. Egorov and Kun-Suk Woo. 1999. Taxonomic Review of Korean Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) II. Subtribes Coeliodina, Ceutorhynchina, Hypurina, Mecysmoderina, and Tribe Orobitioni. Ins. Koreana, 16(2): 163-195.
    • Ki-Jeong Hong, Andrei B. Egorov and Yong-Jung Kwon. 1999. Taxonomic Review of Korean Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) I. Subtribes Rhinoncinana, Scleropterina, and Amalina. Ins. Koreana, 16(1): 47-75.
    • Jum Rae Cho, Young Joon Kim, Ki-Jeong Hong, Jai Ki Yoo, Jeang Oon Lee and Young Joon Ahn. 1999. Resistance Monitoring and Enzyme Activity in Field-collected Populations of the Spiraea Aphid, Aphis citiricola van der Goot. J. of Asia Pacific Entomology, 2(2): 113-119.
    • Kim, Younggyun, Jum Rae Cho, Joonik Lee, Sungyoung Kang, Sang Chan Han, Ki-Jeong Hong, Hong Sun Kim, Jae Ki Yoo and Jeang Oon Lee. 1998. Insect Resistance in the Tobacco Cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J. of Asia Pacific Entomology, 1(1): 115-122.
    • Jum Rae Cho, Ki-Jeong Hong, Gwan-Seok Lee, Byung-Ryul Choi, Jai-Ki Yoo and Jeang-Oon Lee. 1999. Selection of the Acaricides Selective to Harmonia axyridis and Effect of their Application on Phytophagous Mites and Natural Enemies. Korean J. Appl. Entomol., 35(3): 243-248.
    • 저서
      • Ki-Jeong Hong, Sangwook Park and Kyungduk Han. 2012. Weevils II - Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae, Cossoninae, Mesoptiliinae. Flora and Fauna of Korea - Insect Fauna of Korea 12(7), 179pp. National Institute of Biological Resources. [영문판 및 국문판]
      • Ki-Jeong Hong, Sangwook Park and Kyungduk Han. 2011. Weevils I - Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Bagoninae, Baridinae, Ceutorhynchinae, Conoderinae, Cryptorhynchinae, Molytinae, Orobitidinae. Flora and Fauna of Korea - Insect Fauna of Korea 12(2), 301pp. National Institute of Biological Resources. [영문판 및 국문판]
      • 홍기정 등. 2010. 식물외래병해충도감. 292pp. 국립식물검역원.
      • 홍기정 등. 2008. 박물관과 유해생물 관리. 240pp. 국립민속박물관.
      • Ki-Jeong Hong, Sangwook Park and Kun-Suk Woo. 2001. Superfamily Curculionoidea (excepting Family Curculionidae). Economic Insects of Korea 13, 181pp. National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology.
      • Hong, K.J., A.B. Egorov and B.A. Korotyaev. 2000. Illustrated Catalogue of Curculionidae in Korea (Coleoptera). Insects of Korea 5, 340pp. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology and the Center for Insect Systematics.
      • 최귀문·이문홍·한만종·안성복·홍기정. 1996. 저장곡물해충의 유충검색 및 생태. 227pp. 농업과학기술원.
  • 백소현

    백소현 교수 (Baek, So-Hyeon)

    생물소재개발연구실, Biomaterials Development Lab
    바이오 헬스케어 소재화 연구


    • 전북대학교(농학사, 1992) 
    • 전북대학교(농학박사, 2003) 


    • 농촌진흥청 농업연구사(2001.11-2016. 2)
    • 중국 농업과학원(CAAS) 방문연구원(2004.12-2005. 2)
    • 미국 농업연구청(USDA-ARS) 방문연구원(2006. 9-2007. 9)
    • 필리핀 국제미작연구소(IRRI) 주재원(2008.11-2009. 4)
    • 순천대학교(2016. 2- 현재)


    • 유용 유전자 분석 및 기능성 물질 탐색
    • 바이오 헬스케어 소재 개발


    • 레스베라트롤 생합성 벼 및 이의 용도(미국, EU, 중국, 일본)
    • 레스베라트롤 생합성 발아현미 추출물을 함유하는 피부미백용 조성물
    • 레스베라트롤 생합성 벼 종자를 유효성분으로 포함하는 체력 또는 운동성 향상용 조성물
    최근 주요논문
    • Anti-Inflammatory Efficacy of Resveratrol-Enriched Rice Callus Extract on Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated RAW264.7 MacrophagesImmuno 20244, 131-146. doi: 10.3390/immuno4020009
    • Protopanaxadiol-Enriched Rice Exerted Antiadipogenic Activity during 3T3-L1 Differentiation and Anti-Inflammatory Activity in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. Pharmaceutics 202315, 2123. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15082123
    • Germinated Rice Seeds Improved Resveratrol Production to Suppress Adipogenic and Inflammatory Molecules in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. Molecules 202328, 5750. doi: 10.3390/molecules28155750
    • Inhibitory Effects of Polyphenol- and Flavonoid-Enriched Rice Seed Extract on Melanogenesis in Melan-a Cells via MAPK Signaling-Mediated MITF Downregulation. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 202324, 11841. doi: 10.3390/ijms241411841
    • Use of Germination to Enhance Resveratrol Content and Its Anti-Inflammatory Activity in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated RAW264.7 Cells. Molecules 202328, 4898. doi: 10.3390/molecules28134898
    • Protopanaxadiol-Enriched Rice Extracts Suppressed Oxidative and Melanogenic Activities in Melan-a Cells. Antioxidants 202312, 166. doi: 10.3390/antiox12010166
    • Metabolite Profiling to Evaluate Metabolic Changes in Genetically Modified Protopanaxadiol-Enriched Rice. Plants 202312, 758. doi: 10.3390/plants12040758
    • Effect of Ginseng Sapogenin Protopanaxadiol-Enriched Rice (DJ-PPD) on Immunomodulation. Plants 202312, 767. doi: 10.3390/plants12040767
    • Transgenic Rice Seed Extracts Exert Immunomodulatory Effects by Modulating Immune-Related Biomarkers in RAW264.7 Macrophage Cells. Nutrients 202214, 4143. doi: 10.3390/nu14194143
    • Inhibitory Effects of Protopanaxadiol-Producing Transgenic Rice Seed Extracts on RANKL-Induced Osteoclast Differentiation. Life 202212, 1886. doi: 10.3390/life12111886
    • Enhanced Anti-Skin-Aging Activity of Yeast Extract-Treated Resveratrol Rice DJ526. Molecules 202227, 1951. doi: 10.3390/molecules27061951
    • Enhancing Resveratrol Bioproduction and Anti-Melanogenic Activities through Elicitation in DJ526 Cell Suspension. Plants 202110, 1653. doi: 10.3390/plants10081653
    • Resveratrol-enriched rice identical to original Dongjin rice variety with respect to major agronomic traits in different cultivation years and regions. GM Crops & Food, 2021, 12(1): 449-458
    • Alteration of resveratrol-dependent glycosyltransferase activity by elicitation in DJ-526 rice. GM Crops & Food, 2020, 12(1):242-250
    • Genetically modified rice produces ginsenoside aglycone (protopanaxadiol). Planta, 2019, 250(4):1103-1110
    • Effect of the Resveratrol Rice DJ526 on Longevity. Nutrients, 2019, 11(8):1-14
    • The Resveratrol Rice DJ526 Callus Significantly Increases the Lifespan of Drosophila (Resveratrol Rice DJ526 Callus for Longevity). Nutrients, 2019, 11(5):1-14
    • Genetically Engineered Resveratrol-Enriched Rice Inhibits Neuroinflammation in Lipopolysaccharide-Activated BV2 Microglia Via Downregulating Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase-Nuclear Factor Kappa B Signaling Pathway. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018, 1-15
    • Resveratrol-Enriched Rice Attenuates UVB-ROS-Induced Skin Aging via Downregulation of Inflammatory Cascades. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017, 8379539
    • Targeted metabolite profiling to evaluate unintended metabolic changes of genetic modification in resveratrol-enriched rice (Oryza sativa L.). Applied Biological Chemistry, 2017, 60(2):205-214
    • Comparison of the grain composition in resveratrol-enriched and glufosinate-tolerant rice (Oryza sativa) to conventional rice using univariate and multivariate analysis. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2016, 52:58-67
    • 레스베라트롤 합성 GM 벼 검정을 위한 계통특이 마커 개발. KJBS. 2016, 48(2):119-125
    • Gene ex-pression profiles and physiological data from mice fed resveratrol-enriched rice DJ526. Scientific Data, 2016, 3:1-9
    • The resveratrol-enriched rice DJ526 boosts motor coordination and physical strength. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:1-12
    • Anti-Melanogenic Potentials of Nanoparticles from Calli of Resveratrol-Enriched Rice against UVB-Induced Hyperpigmentation in Guinea Pig Skin. Biomol Ther. 2016, 24(1):85-93
  • 박숙영 교수

    박숙영 교수 (Park, Sook-Young)

    분자식물병리학연구실, Molecular Plant Pathology Lab
    기후변화 대응 식량작물에 발생하는 식물병의 발생생태 및 발병기작 연구


    • 1992년 3월 ~ 1996년 2월 순천대학교 학사
    • 1996년 3월 ~ 1998년 2월 서울대학교 석사
    • 1999년 3월 ~ 2002년 2월 서울대학교 박사


    • 1998년 4월 ~ 1999년 3월 서울대학교 농업생물신소재연구센터 연구원
    • 2002년 3월 ~ 2003년 5월 서울대학교 농업생물신소재연구센터 박사후연구원
    • 2003년 5월 ~ 2007년 12월 펜실바니아주립대학교 박사후연구원
    • 2008년 1월 ~ 2013년 2월 서울대학교 곰팡이병원성연구센터 연구교수
    • 2013년 3월 ~ 2017년 2월 순천대학교 지의류연구센터 연구교수
    • 2017년 2월 ~ 현재 순천대학교 식물의학과 교수


    • 2016년 4월 21일 한국식물병리학회 “젊은식물병리학자상” 수상
    • 2013년 6월 18일 BRIC “한국을 빛내는 사람들” 추천논문 수상
    • 2010년 8월 13일 Outstanding Poster Award at The 5th International Rice Blast Conference


    • Korean Society of Plant Pathology (한국식물병리학회)
    • The American Phytopathological Society (미국식물병리학회)
    • Genetic Society of America (미국유전학회)
    • The Korean Society of Mycology (한국균학회)
    • 한국식물병리학회 발간 “식물병연구” 편집간사
    • 한국균학회 발간 'Mycobiology" 편집간사
    • 한국균학회 발간 " The Korean Journal of Mycology
    • 한국식물병리학회 학술위원(2018~현재)


    • Genome evolution in fungi
    • 기주식물와 병원균의 상호작용을 통한 병 발생 메커니즘 연구

      (Molecular-Plant Microbe Interactions)

    • 벼 도열병균의 비병원성 유전자의 분포 및 기능 분석을 통한 변이 메커니즘 이해(한국연구재단:2017~2021)
    • 아태지역 농업기상 서비스 프로그램: 부탄, 네팔, 사모아에 대한 병해충 예측 및 조기경보기술 지원(FAO:2020)

    • 북방지역 주요식량작물(벼, 콩, 감자, 옥수수)의 주요병 및 잡초 모니터링 및 친환경 방제기술 개발(농촌진흥청: 2020~2024)

    • 기후변화 대응 맥류(보리, 밀, 호밀, 귀리, 라이밀)에 발생하는 신문제 곰팡이병 위험도 평가기준 설정연구(농촌진흥청: 2020~2023)



      Jeon, J. Lee, G.-W., Kim, K.-T., Park, S.-Y., Kim, S. Kwon, S., Huh, A., Chung, H., Lee, D.-Y., Kim, C.-Y., and Lee, Y.-H. 2020. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 33:141-144.

      Jeon, J., Kim, J. A, Park, S.-Y., Kim, G.-W., Park, C.-S., Kim, C., Park, H. Y., Yeo, J.-H., Lee, Y.-H., and Kim, S. 2020. Draft genome sequence of Aspergillus oryzae BP2-1, isolated from traditional malted rice in South Korea. Microbiology Resource Announcements 9:e01405-19.

      Chi, M.-H. and Park, S. -Y. 2019. Identification of differentially expressed genes by cDNA-AFLP in Magnaporthe oryzae. Res. Plant Dis. 25(4):205-212.

      Li, T., Jung, B., Park, S.-Y., and Lee, J. 2019. Survival factor gene FgSvf1 is required for normal growth and stress resistance in Fusarium graminearum. Plant Pathol. J. 35:393-405.

      Vo, K. T, X., Lee, S.-K., Halane, M. K., Song, M.-Y., Hoang, T. V., Kim, C.-Y., Park, S.-Y., Jeon, J., Kim S. T., Sohn, K. H., and Jeon, J.-S. 2019. Pi5 and Pii paired NLRs are functionally exchangeable and confer similar disease resistance specificity. Molecules and Cells 42:637-645.

      Park, J. S., Oh, S.-O., Woo, J.-J., Liu, D., Park, S.-Y., and Hur, J.-S. 2019. First report of the lichen Ochrolechia akagiensis (Ochrolechiaceae, Ascomycota) in Korea. The Korean Journal of Mycology 47:95-104.

      Jeon, J., Park, S. Y., Kim, J. A., Yu, N. H., Park, A. R., Kim, J.-C., Lee, Y.-H., Kim S. 2019. Draft genome sequence of Amphirosellinia nigrospora JS-1675 an endophytic fungus from Pteris cretica. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8:e00069-19.

      Lee, Y., Kim, G. H., Kim, Y., Park, S. Y., and Koh, Y. J. 2019. First report of twig dieback caused by Neopestalotiopsis clavispora on blueberry in Korea. Plant Disease 103:1022.

      Park, S. Y. 2019. Avirulence gene AVR-Pita1 in the rice blast fungus. Res. Plant Dis. 25:1-7.

      Choi, E. D., Kim, G. H., Park, S. Y., Song, J. H., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S., and Koh, Y. J. 2019. Genetic diversity of the pear scab fungus Venturia nashicola in Korea. Mycobiology 47:76-86.

      Kwon, S., Lee, J., Jeon, J., Kim, S., Park, S.-Y., Jeon, J., and Lee, Y.-H. 2018. Role of the histone acetyltransferase Rtt109 in Development and pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 31:1200-1210.

      Yun, T.-S., Park, S.-Y., Yu, J., Hwang, Y., and Hong, K.-J. 2018. Isolation and identification of fungal species from the insect pest Tribolium castaneum in rice processing complexes in Korea. Plant Pathology Journal 34:356-366.

      Yu, N. H., Park, S.-Y., Kim, J. A., Park, C.-H., Jeong, M.-H., Oh, S.-O., Hong, S. G., Talavera, M., Divakar, P. K., and Hur, J.-S. 2018. Endophytic and endolichenic fungal diversity in maritime Antarctica based on cultured material and their evolutionary position among Dikarya. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 2:263-272.

      Chi, M.-H., and Park, S.-Y. 2018. Transposable elements in Magnaporthe species. Research in Plant Disease 24:87-98.

      Kim, G. H., Choi, D. H., Park, S.-Y., Koh, Y. J. 2018. First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum nymphaeae on kiwiberry in Korea. Plant Disease 102:1455.

      Park, J. S., Park, C.-H., Park, S.-Y., Oh, S. O., Jayalal, U., and Hur, J.-S. 2018. Revision of the lichen genus Stereocaulon (Stereocaulaceae, Ascomycota) in South Korea. Mycobiology 46:101-113.

      Park, J. S., Park, S.-Y., Park, C.-H., Oh, S. O., Woo, J. J., and Hur, J.-S. 2017. Taxonmic revision of the lichen genus Pertusaria (Partusariales, Ascomycota) in South Korea. Mycobiology 45:270-285.

      Park, J. S., Park, S.-Y., Park, C.-H., Jang, S.-H., and Hur, J.-S. 2017. Arthothelium punctatum (Arthoniaceae, Arthoniales), a new lichen species from South Korea. Mycobiology 45:255-262.

      Kim, J. A., Jeon, J., Park, S.-Y., Kim, K.-T., Choi, G., Lee, H.-J., Kim, Y., Yang, H.-S., Yeo, J.-H., Lee, Y.-H., and Kim, S. 2017. Genome sequence of an endophytic fungus Fusarium solani JS-169 which has antifungal activity. Genome Announcements 5:2 (In progress, Co-first author)

      Kim, J. A., Jeon, J., Park, S.-Y., Kim, K.-T., Choi, G., Nguyen, H. T., Jeon, S. J., Bae, C.-H., Yeo, J.-H., Kim, J.-C., Lee, Y.-H., and Kim, S. 2017. Draft genome sequence of Aspergillus persii NIBRFGC000004109 having antibacterial activity against plant pathogenic bacteria. Genome Announcements 5:e (In progress, Co-first author)

      Kim, J. A., Jeon, J., Kim, K.-T., Choi, G., Park, S.-Y., Lee, H. J., Shim, S.-H., Lee, Y.-H., and Kim S. 2017. Draft genome sequence of an endophytic fungus, Gaeumannomyces sp. Strain JS-464, isolated from a reed plant, Phragmites communis. Genome Announcements 5:e00734-17.

      Kim, G. H., Kim, D. R., Park, S.-Y., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S., and Koh, Y. J. 2017. Incidence rate of major diseases of kiwiberry in 2015 and 2016. Plant Pathol. J. 33:434-439.

      Wu, J., Wang, Y., Park, S.-Y., Kim S. G., Yoo, J. S., Park, S., Gupta, R., Kang, K. Y., and Kim, S. T. 2016. Secreted alpha-N-arabinofuranosidase B protein is required for the full virulence of Magnaporthe oryzae and triggers host defences. PLoS ONE 11:e0165149.

      Kim, G. H., Jo, D. W., Park, S.-Y., Shin, J. S., Choi, W., Hyun, I. H., and Koh, Y. J. 2016. First report of scab caused by Venturia carpophila on Japanese apricot (Prunus mume) in Korea. Plant Disease Notes 100: 1.

      Wang, Y., Wu, J., Kim, S. G., Tsuda, K., Gupta, R., Park, S.-Y., Kim, S. T., and Kang, K. Y. 2016. Magnaporthe oryzae-secreted protein MSP1 induces cell death and elicits defense responses in rice. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 29:299-312.

      Sun, J., Park, S.-Y., Kang, S., Liu, X., Qiu, J., and Xiang, M. 2015. Development of transformation system for Hirsutella spp. and visualization of the mode of nematode infection by GFP-labeled H. minnesotensis. Scientific reports 5: 10477.

      Chi, M.-H., and Park, S.-Y. 2015. Development of virulence test methods for neck and panicle blast disease. Res. Plant Dis. 21:103-106.

      Mir, A. A., Park, S.-Y., Sadat, Md. A., Kim, S. Choi, J., Jeon, J., and Lee, Y.-H. 2015. Systematic characterization of the peroxidase gene family provides new insights into fungal pathogenicity in Magnaporthe oryzae. Scientific reports 5: 11831. (co-first author)

      Kong, S., Park,S .-Y., and Lee, Y.-H. Systematic characterization of the bZIP transcription factor gene family in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Environmental Microbiology 17: 1425-1443.

      Jeon, J. Choi, J., Lee, G.-W., Park, S.-Y. Huh, A., Dean, R. A., and Lee, Y.-H. 2015. Genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation provides insights into epigenetic regulation of fungal development in a plant pathogenic fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Scientific reports 5:8567.

      Park, S.-Y., Jang, S.-H., Oh, S.-O., Kim, J. A, and Hur, J.-S. 2014. An easy, rapid, and cost-effective method for DNA extraction from various lichen taxa and specimens suitable for analysis of fungal and algal strains. Mycobiology 42: 311-316.

      Kim, S., Park, S.-Y., Kim, H., Kim, D., Lee, S.-W., Kim, H. T., Lee, J.-H., and Choi, W. 2014. Isolation and characterization of the Colletotrichum acutatum ABC transporter CaABC1. Plant Pathology Journal 30:375-383. (co-first author)

      Park, S.-Y., Choi, J., Lee, G.-W., Park, C.-H., Kim, J. A., Oh, S.-O., Lee, Y.-H., and Hur, J.-S. 2014. Draft genome sequence of Endocarpon pusillum strain KoLRILF000583. Genome Announcements 2:e00452-14.

      Park, S.-Y., Choi, J., Lee, G.-W., Jeong, M.-H., Kim, J. A., Oh, S.-O., Lee, Y.-H., and Hur, J.-S. 2014. Draft genome sequence of Umbilicaria muehlenbergii KoLRILF000956, a lichen-forming fungus amenable to genetic manipulation. Genome Announcements 2:e00357-14.

      Park, S.-Y., Choi, J., Lee, G.-W., Kim, J. A., Oh, S.-O., Jeong, M.-H., Yu, N.-H., Kim, S., Lee, Y.-H., and Hur, J.-S. 2014. Draft genome sequence of lichen-forming fungus Cladonia metacorallifera strain KoLRI002260. Genome Announcements 2:e01065-13.

      Park,S.-Y, Jeong, M.-H., Wang, H.-Y., Kim, J. A., Yu, N.-H., Kimg, S., Cheong, Y. H., Kang, S., Lee, Y.-H., and Hur, J.-S. 2013. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of the lichen fungus, Umbilicaria muehlenbergii. PLoS One 8:83896.

      Park, B., Martin, F. N., Geiser, D. M., Kim, H.-S., Mansfield, M., Nikolaeva, E., Park, S.-Y., Coffey, M., Russo, J., Kim, S., Balci, Y., Abad, G., Burgess, T., Grunwald, N.J., Cheong, K., Choi, J., Lee, Y.-H., and Kang, S. 2013. Phytophthora Database 2.0: Update and future direction. Phytopathology 103(12):1204-1208.

      Chung, H., Choi, J., Park, S.-Y., Jeon, J., and Lee, Y.-H. 2013. Two conidiation-related Zn(II)2Cys6 transcription factor genes in the rice blast fungus. Fungal genetics and Biology 61:133-141.

      Park, S.-Y., Choi, J., Kim, J.A., Jeong, M.-H., Kim, S., Lee, Y.-H., Hur, J.-S. 2013. Draft genome sequence of Cladonia macilenta KoLRI003786, a lichen-forming fungus producing biruloquinone. Genome Announcements 1(5):e00695-13.

      Park, S.-Y., Choi, J., Kim, J.A., Yu, N.-H., Kim, S., Kondratyuk, S.Y., Lee, Y.-H., Hur, J.-S. 2013. Draft genome sequence of lichen-forming fungus Caloplaca flavorubescens strain KoLRI002931. Genome Announcements 1(4):e00678-13.

      Park, S.-Y., Choi, J., Lim, S.E., Lee, G.W., Park, J., Kim, Y., Kong, S., Kim, S.R., Rho, H.S., Jeon, J., Chi, M.-H., Kim, S., Khang, C.H., Kang, S., and Lee, Y.-H. 2013. Global ex-pression profiling of transcription factor genes provides new insights into pathogenicity and stress responses in the rice blast fungus. PLoS Pathogens 9(6)e103350.

      Kim, Y., Park, S.-Y., Kim, D., Choi, J., Lee, Y.-H., Lee, J.-H., and Choi, W. 2013. Genome-Scale analysis of ABC transporter genes and characterization of the ABCC type transporter genes in Magnaporthe oryzae. Genomics 101: 354-361. (co-first author)

      Jung, B., Park, S.-Y., Lee, Y.-W., and Lee, J. 2013. Biological efficacy of Streptomyces sp. Strain BN1 against the cereal head blight pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Plant Pathology Journal 29:52-58.

      Choi, J., Park, S.-Y., Kim, B.-R., Roh, J.-H., Oh, I.-S., Han, S.-S., and Lee, Y.-H. 2013. Comparative analysis of pathogenicity and phylogenetic relationship in Magnaporthe grisea species complex. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57196.

      Goh, J., Jeon, J., Kim, K. S., Park, J., Park, S.-Y., and Lee, Y. -H. 2011. The PEX7-mediated peroxisomal import system is required for fungal development and pathogenicity in Magnaporthe oryzae. PLos ONE 6(12):e28220.

      Kim, H.-S., Park, S.-Y., Lee, S., Adams, E. L., Czymmek, K., and Kang, S. 2011. Loss of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A affects multiple traits important for root pathogenesis by Fusarium oxysporum. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 24:719-732.

      Njoroge, S. M. C., Vallad, G. E., Park, S.-Y., Kang, S., Koike, S. T., Bolda, M., Burman, P., Polonik, W., and Subbarao, K. V. 2011. Phenological and phytostructural changes influence Verticillium dahliae interaction with broccoli and cauliflower. Phytopathology 101: 523-534.

      Goh, J., Kim, K. S., Park, J., Jeon, J., Park, S.-Y., and Lee, Y.-H. 2011. The cell cycle gene MoCDC15 regulates hyphal growth, asexual development and plant infection in the rice blast pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology 48:784-792.

      Park S.-Y., Chi, M.-H., Milgroom, M. G., Kim, H., Han, S.-S., Kang, S., and Lee, Y.-H. 2010. Genetic stability of Magnaporthe oryzae during successive passages through rice plants and on artificial medium. Plant Pathology Journal 26:313-320.

      Kim, S. H., Olson, T. N., Peffer, N. D., Nikolaeva, E. V., Park S.-Y., Kang, S. 2010. First Report of Bacterial Spot of Tomato Caused by Xanthomonas gardneri in Pennsylvania. Plant Disease 94: 638.

      Khang, C. H., Berruyer, R., Girado, M. C., Kankanala, P., Park S.-Y., Czymmek, K., Kang, S., and Valent, B. 2010. Translocation of Magnaporthe oryzae effectors into rice cells and their subsequent cell-to-cell movement. Plant Cell 22:1388-1403.

      Ma, L.J., van der Does, H.C., Borkovich, K. A., Coleman, J. J., Daboussi, M. J., Di Pietro, A., Dufresne, M., Freitag, M., Grabherr, M., Henrissat, B., Houterman, P.M., Kang, S., Shim, W. B., Woloshuk, C., Xie, X., Xu, J. R., Antoniw, J., Baker, S.E., Bluhm, B. H., Breakspear, A., Brown, D. W., Butchko, R. A., Chapman, S., Coulson, R., Coutinho, P. M., Danchin, E. G., Diener, A., Gale, L. R., Gardiner, D. M., Goff, S., Hammond-Kosack, K. E., Hilburn, K., Hua-Van, A., Jonkers, W., Kazan, K., Kodira, C. D., Koehrsen, M., Kumar, L., Lee, Y. H., Li, L., Manners, J. M., Miranda-Saavedra, D., Mukherjee, M., Park, G., Park, J., Park S.-Y., Proctor, R. H., Regev, A., Ruiz-Roldan, M. C., Sain, D., Sakthikumar, S., Sykes, S., Schwartz, D. C., Turgeon, B. G., Wapinski, I., Yoder, O., Young, S., Zeng, Q., Zhou, S., Galagan, J., Cuomo, C. A., Kistler, H. C., Rep, M. 2010. Comparative genomics reveals mobile pathogenicity chromosomes in Fusarium. Nature 464:367-373.

      Jin, J.-M., Lee, S., Lee, J., Baek, S.-R., Kim, J.-C., Yun, S. -H., Park S.-Y., Kang, S., and Lee, Y.-W. 2010. Functional characterization and manipulation of the apicidin biosynthetic pathway in Fusarium semitectum. Molecular Microbiology 76:456-466.

      Kim, S., Park, J. Park, S.-Y., Mitchell, T. K., and Lee, Y.-H. 2010. Identification and analysis of in plant expressed genes of Magnaporthe oryzae. BMC genomics 11: 104~117.

      Lee, S.-W., Ahn, I.-P., Shim, S.-Y., Lee, S.-Y., Seo, M. W., Kim, S., Park S.-Y., Lee, Y.-H., and Kang, S. 2009. Pseudomonas sp. LSW25R, antagonistic to plant pathogens, promoted plant growth, and reduced blossom-end rot of tomato fruits in a hydroponic system. European Journal of Plant Pathology 126(1):1-11.

      Kim, S., Park S.-Y., Kim, K. S., Rho, H.-S., Chi, M.-H., Choi, J., Park, J., Kong, S., Park, J. Goh, J., and Lee, Y.-H. 2009. Homeobox transcription factors are required for conidiation and appressorium development in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. PLoS Genetics 5(12):e1000757.

      Park, S. Y., Jwa, N.-S., Chi, M.-H., and Lee, Y.-H. 2009. A fluorescence-based cDNA-AFLP method for identification of differentially expressed genes. Plant Pathology Journal 25:184-188.

      Nikolaeva, E. V., Park S.-Y., Kang, S., Olson, T. N., Kim, S. H. 2009. Ratios of cells with and without virulence genes in Rhodococcus fascians populations correlate with degrees of symptom development. Plant Disease 93:499-506.

      Chi, M.-H., Park S.-Y., Kim, S. and Lee, Y.-H. 2009. A novel pathogenicity gene is required in the rice blast fungus to suppress the basal defenses of the host. PLoS Pathogens 5(4):e1000401.

      Chi, M.-H., Park S.-Y., and Lee, Y.-H. 2009. A quick and safe method for fungal DNA extraction. Plant Pathology Journal 25:108-111.

      Yi, M., Chi, M.-H., Khang, C. H., Park S.-Y., Kang, S., Valent, B., and Lee, Y.-H. 2009. The ER chaperone LHS1 is involved in asexual development and rice infection by the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Plant Cell 21:681-695.

      Balci, Y., Balci, S., Blair, J. E., Park S.-Y., Kang, S., and Macdonald, W. L. 2008. Phytophthora quercetorum sp. nov., a novel species isolated from eastern and north-central USA oak forest soils. Mycological research 112:906-916.

      Park, J., Park, B., Veeraraghavan, N., Jung, K., Lee, Y.-H., Blair, J. E., Geiser, D.M., Isard, S., Mansfield, M. A., Nikolaeva, E., Park S.-Y., Russo, J., Kim, S.H., Greene, M., Ivors, K. L., Balci, Y., Peiman, M., Erwin, D. C., Coffey, M. D., Rossman, A., Farr, D., Cline, E., Grunwald, N. J., Luster, D. G., Schrandt, J., Martin, F., Ribeiro, O. K., Makalowska, I., and Kang, S. 2008. Phytophthora Database: A forensic database supporting the identification and monitoring of Phytophthora. Plant Disease 92:966-972.

      Jeon, J., Goh, J., Yoo, S., Chi, M.-H., Choi, J., Rho, H.-S., Park, J., Han, S.-S., Kim, B. R., Park, S.-Y., Kim, S., and Lee, Y.-H.2008. A Putative MAP kinase kinase kinase, MCK1, is required for cell wall integrity and pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:525-534.

      Park S.-Y., Milgroom, M. G., Han, S. S., Kang, S., and Lee, Y.-H. 2008. Genetic Differentiation of Magnaporthe oryzae populations from scouting plots and commercial rice fields in Korea. Phytopathology 98:436-442.

      Khang, C. H., Park S.-Y., Lee, Y.-H., Valent, B., and Kang, S. 2008.Genome Organization and Evolution of the AVR-Pita Avirulence Gene Family in the Magnaporthe grisea Species Complex. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:658-670.

      Kim. J. T., Park S.-Y., Choi, W, Lee. Y.-H., and Kim, H. T. 2008. Characterization of Colletotrichum isolates causing anthracnose of pepper in Korea. Plant Pathology Journal 24:17-23.

      Blair, J. E., Coffey, M. D., Park S.-Y., Geiser, D. M., and Kang, S. 2008. A multi-locus phylogeny for Phytophthora utilizing markers derived from complete genome sequences. Fungal Genetics and Biology 45:266-277.

      Choi, J., Park, J., Jeon, J., Chi, M.-H., Goh, J., Yoo, S., Park, J., Jung, K., Kim, H., Park S.-Y., Rho, H.-S., Kim, S., Kim, B.R., Han, S.-S., Kang, S., and Lee, Y.-H. 2007. Genome-wide analysis of T-DNA integration into the chromosomes of Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Microbiology 66: 371-382.

      Irish, B., Goenaga, R., Park S.-Y., and Kang, S. 2007. First Report of Phytophthora palmivora, Causal Agent of Black Pod, on Cacao in Puerto Rico. Plant Disease (Note) 91: 1051.

      Czymmek, K., Fogg, M., Powell, D., Sweigard, J., Park S.-Y., and Kang, S. 2007. In vivo time-lapse documentation using confocal and multi-photon microscopy reveals the mechanisms of invasion into the Arabidopsis root vascular system by Fusarium oxysporum. Fungal Genetics and Biology 44: 1011-1023.

      Khang, C., Park S.-Y., Rho, H., Lee. Y., and Kang, S. 2007. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation and mutagenesis of filamentous fungi Magnaporthe grisea and Fusarium oxysporum. 344:403-420 In: K. Wang (ed.) Agrobacterium Protocols. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.

      Jeon, J., Park S.-Y., Chi, M.-H., Choi, J., Park, J., Rho, H.-S., Kim S., Goh, J., Yoo, S., Choi,J., Park, J.-Y., Yang, S., Kwon, M.-J., Han, S.-S., Kim, B.R., Khang, C.H., Park, B., Lim, S.-E., Jung, K., Kong, S., Karunakaran, M., Oh, H.-S., Kim, H., Kim, S., Park, J. Kang, S., Choi, W.-B., Kang, S. Lee, Y.-H. 2007. Genome-wide functional analysis of pathogenicity genes in the rice blast fungus. Nature Genetics 39:561-565.

      Kang, S., Blair, J. E., Geiser, D. M., Khang, C.-H., Park S.-Y., Gahegan, M., O’Donnell, K., Luster, D. G., Kim, S. H., Ivors, K. L., Lee,Y.-H., Lee, Y.-W., Grunwald, N. J., Martin, F. M., Coffey, M. D.,Veeraraghavan, N., and Makalowska, I. 2006. Plant pathogen culture collections: It takes a village to preserve these resources vital to the advancement of agricultural security and plant pathology. Phytopathology 96:920-925.

      Khang, C., Park S.-Y., Lee. Y., and Kang S. 2005. A dual selection based, targeted gene replacement method for Magnaporthe grisea and Fusarum oxysporum. Fungal Genetics and Biology 42:483-492.

      Park S.-Y., Milgroom, M. G., Han, S.-S., Kang, S., and Lee, Y.-H. 2003. Diversity of pathotypes and DNA fingerprint haplotypes in populations of Magnaporthe grisea in Korea over two decades. Phytopathology 93:1378-1385.

      Gao, W., Khang, C. H., Park, S.-Y. , Lee, Y.-H., and Kang, S. 2002. Evolution and organization of a highly dynamic, subtelomeric helicase gene family in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Genetics 162: 103-112.

      Park S.-Y., Seo, J.-A., Lee, Y.-W., and Lee, Y.-H. 2001. Population genetic analyses of Gibberella fujikuroi isolates from maize in Korea. Plant Pathology Journal 17: 281-289.

      Kim, S., Ahn, I.-P., Park, C.-H., Park, S.-G., Park S.-Y., Jwa, N.-S., Lee, Y.-H. 2001. Molecular characterization of the cDNA encoding an acidic isoform of PR-1 protein in rice. Molecules and Cells 28: 115-21.

      Jwa, N.-S., Park, S.-G., Park, C.-H., Kim, S., Ahn, I.-P., Park S.-Y., Yoon, C.-H., and Lee, Y.-H. 2000. Clone and ex-pression of a rice cDNA encoding a Lls1 homologue of maize. Plant Pathology Journal 16: 151-155.

      Park S.-Y., Chung, H. J., Kim, G. Y., and Koh, Y. J. 1996. Characteristics of anthracnose of orchids caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Korean Journal of Plant Pathology 12: 455-458.

      Koh, Y. J., Park S.-Y., and Seo, J. G. 1996. Ecological studies on the occurrence of Pear rust at Sunchon area and Its chemical control. J. Agric. Sci. Res. Sunchon Natl Univ. 10: 69-76.

  • 전승호

    전승호 교수 (Jeon, Seung-Ho)

    작물생산학연구실, Crop Production Science Lab.
    기능성 밭작물 표준재배기술 개발 및 고품질 유기재배기술 연구


    • 경상대학교 (농학사)
    • 경상대학교 (농학석사)
    • 경상대학교 (농학박사)


    • 농촌진흥청 Post-Doc
    • 경남과학기술대학교 연구원


    • 기능성작물 연구
    • 작물의 재배생리
    • 친환경농업 연구


    • Effects of ridge width on the growth and yield of foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois) in paddy-upland rotation fields. 2017. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences.
    • Evaluation of bioactive compounds in different tissues of sprouting Okra. 2017. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology.
    • Dependence of Sorghum bicolor antioxidant activity on harvest time. 2017. SCIENCEASIA.
    • Effect of Green Manure Crop on Growth and Medicinal Ingredients of Platycodon grandiflorum Radix. 2018. Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture.
    • Effects of Seeding Rate and Depth during Broadcast Sowing on Growth and Yield of Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) and Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.). 2017. Korean Journal of Crop Science
    • Effects on Growth and Medicinal Ingredients of Platycodon grandiflorum Radix by Organic and Chemical Fertilizers. 2017. Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture.
    • Effects of Mulching Materials on Platycodon grandiflorum Root Growth and Weed Occurrence. 2017. Korean Journal of Crop Science.
    • Effect of Mulching Materials on the Growth and Medicinal Ingredients in Platycodon grandiflorum Radix Organic Cultivation. 2017. Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture.
    • Rice pectin methylesterase inhibitor28 (OsPMEI28) encodes afunctional PMEI and its overex-pression results in a dwarf phenotypethrough increased pectin methylesterification levels. 2017. Journal of Plant Physiology.
  • 김상윤

    김상윤 교수 (Kim, Sang-Yoon)

    토양학연구실, Soil Science Lab.
    기후변화 대응 저탄소 토양관리기술 개발 및 농경지 온실가스 배출 저감 연구


    • 학사: 경상대학교 (2006)
    • 석사: 경상대학교 (2008)
    • 박사: 경상대학교 (2013)


    • 순천대학교 생물환경학과 교수(2018.08~현재)
    • 환경부 새만금지방환경청 환경연구사(2018.02~2018.08)
    • 농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 농업미생물과 박사후연구원(2015.11~2018.02)
    • 네덜란드 왕립생태연구소(KNAW-NIOO) 박사후연구원(2013.08~2015.10)
    • 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 연구교수(2013.03~2013.08)


    • 농경지 온실가스 및 미세먼지 배출 저감 연구
    • 토양 생태계에서 탄소 및 질소 순환 연구
    • 토양 미생물 상호작용 및 관련 기작 구명 연구


    • Jaekyeong Song, Mee-Kyung Sang, Hang-Yeon, Weon, Sang Yoon Kim. A novel Pseudomonas saponiphila GHR1-1 strain that promotes plant growth and inhibits plant diseases, and microbial agent containing the same. Republic of Korea Patent 10-2017-0139608.


    • Sang Yoon Kim, Seung Tak Jeong, Adrian Ho, Chang Oh Hong, Chang Hoon Lee, Pil Joo Kim. 2018. Cattle Manure Composting: Shifts in the Methanogenic Community Structure, Chemical Composition, and Consequences on Methane Production Potential in a Rice Paddy. Applied Soil Ecology 124, 344-350 (IF: 2.92).
    • Sang Yoon Kim†, Hyun Ho Lee†, Vance N. Owens, Sungkyun Park, Ji Woong Kim, Chang Oh Hong. 2018. How Does Oyster Shell Immobilize Cadmium? Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74, 114-120 (IF: 2.42).
    • Seung Tak Jeong, Gil Won Kim, Hyun Young Hwang, Pil Joo Kim, Sang Yoon Kim†. 2018. Beneficial Effect of Compost Utilization on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Rice Cultivation System through The Overall Management Chain. Science of the Total Environment 613-614, 115-122. (†corresponding author) (IF: 4.61, JCR < top 10%).
    • Adrian Ho, Umer Zeeshan Ijaz, Thierry K.S. Janssens, Rienke Ruijs, Sang Yoon Kim, Wietse de Boer, Aad Termorshuizen, Wim H. van der Putten, Paul L.E. Bodelier. 2017. Effects of Bio-based Residue Amendments on Greenhouse Gas Emission from Agricultural Soil Are Stronger Than Effects of Soil Type with Different Microbial Community composition. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 9, 1707-1720 (IF: 5.42, JCR < top 1%).
    • Sung Un Kim, Vance N. Owens, Sang Yoon Kim, Chang Oh Hong. 2017. Effect of Different Way of Bottom Ash and Compost Application on Phytoextractability of Cadmium in Contaminated Arable Soil. Applied Biological Chemistry 60, 353-362 (IF: 1.36).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Hajin Song, Mee Kyung Sang, Hang-Yeon Weon, Jaekyeong Song. 2017. The Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus velezensis strain GH1-13 Reveals Agriculturally Beneficial Properties and a Unique Plasmid. Journal of Biotechnology 259, 221-227 (IF: 2.53).
    • Yong Dong Noh, Hye Jin Park, Kwon Rae Kim, Won Il Kim, Ki Youl Jung, Sung Un Kim, Vance N. Owens, Jin Seong Moon, Sung Wook Yun, Sang Yoon Kim, Chang Oh Hong. 2017. Contrasting Effect of Phosphate on Phytoavailability of Arsenic and Cadmium in Soils Supporting Medicinal Plants. Applied Biological Chemistry 60, 119-128 (IF: 1.36).
    • Md. Mozammel Haque, Jatish Chandra Biswas, Sang Yoon Kim, Pil Joo Kim. 2017. Intermittent Drainage in Paddy Soil: Ecosystem Carbon Budget and Global Warming Potential. Paddy and Water Environment 15, 403-411 (IF: 1.38).
    • Hyun Young Hwang, Gil Won Kim, Sang Yoon Kim, Md. Mozammel Haque, Muhammad Israr Khan, Pil Joo Kim. 2017. Effect of Cover Cropping on the Net Global Warming Potential of Rice Paddy Soil. Geoderma 292, 49-58 (IF: 3.74).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Sang Yeob Lee, Hang-Yeon Weon, Mee Kyung Sang, Jaekyeong Song. 2017. Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus velezensis M75, a Biocontrol Agent against Fungal Plant Pathogens, Isolated from Cotton Waste. Journal of Biotechnology 241, 112-115 (IF: 2.53).
    • Adrian Ho, Roey Angel, Annelies J. Veraart, Anne Daebeler, Zhongjun Jia, Sang Yoon Kim, Frederiek-Maarten Kerckhof, Nico Boon, Paul L. E. Bodelier. 2016. Biotic Interactions in Microbial Communities as Modulators of Biogeochemical Processes: Methanotrophy as a Model System. Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 1285 (IF 4.02).
    • Gil Won Kim, Adrian Ho, Pil Joo Kim, Sang Yoon Kim†. 2016. Stimulation of Methane Oxidation Potential and Effects on Vegetation Growth by Bottom Ash Addition in a Landfill Final Evapotranspiration Cover. Waste Management 55, 306-312 (†corresponding author) (IF: 4.72, JCR < top 10%).
    • Gil Won Kim, Seung Tak Jeong, Gun Yeob Kim, Pil Joo Kim, Sang Yoon Kim†. 2016. Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Emission Factor from Urea during Rice Cropping Season: A Case Study in Korean Paddy Soil. Atmospheric Environment 139, 139-146 (†corresponding author) (IF: 3.71).
    • Md. Mozammel Haque, Gil Won Kim, Pil Joo Kim, Sang Yoon Kim†. 2016. Comparison of Net Global Warming Potential Between Continuous Flooding and Midseason Drainage in Monsoon Region Paddy during Rice Cropping. Field Crops Research 193, 133-142 (†corresponding author) (IF: 3.13).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Jessie Gutierrez, Pil Joo Kim. 2016. Unexpected Stimulation of CH4 Emissions under Continuous No-Tillage System in Mono-Rice Paddy Soils during Cultivation. Geoderma 267, 34-40 (IF: 3.74).
    • Md. Mozammel Haque, Jatish Chandra Biswas, Sang Yoon Kim, Pil Joo Kim. 2016. Suppressing Methane Emission and Global Warming Potential from Rice Fields through Intermittent Drainage and Green Biomass Amendment. Soil Use and Management 32, 72-79 (IF: 1.34).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Annelies J. Veraart, Marion Meima-Franke, Paul L.E. Bodelier. 2015. Combined Effects of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus on CH4 Production and Denitrification in Wetland Sediments. Geoderma 259-260, 354-361 (IF: 3.74).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Chi Kyu Park, Hyo Suk Gwon, Muhammad Israr Khan, Pil Joo Kim. 2015. Optimizing The Harvesting Stage of Rye as a Green Manure to Maximize Nutrient Production and to Minimize Methane Production in Mono-Rice Paddies. Science of the Total Environment 537, 441-446 (IF: 4.61, JCR < top 10%).
    • Hyun Young Hwang, Gil Won Kim, Yong Bok Lee, Pil Joo Kim, Sang Yoon Kim†. 2015. Improvement of The Value of Green Manure via Mixed Hairy Vetch and Barley Cultivation in Temperate Paddy Soil. Field Crops Research 183, 138?146 (†corresponding author) (IF: 3.13).
    • Annelies J. Veraart, Anne K. Steenbergh, Adrian Ho, Sang Yoon Kim, Paul L. E. Bodelier. 2015. Beyond Nitrogen: The Importance of Phosphorus for CH4 Oxidation in Soils and Sediments. Geoderma 259-260, 337-346 (IF: 3.74).
    • Tatoba Waghmode, Md. Mozammel Haque, Sang Yoon Kim, Pil Joo Kim. 2015. Effective Suppression of Methane Emission by 2-Bromoethanesulfonate during Rice Cultivation. PLoS ONE 10(11), e0142569. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142569 (IF: 2.77).
    • Adrian Ho, Andreas Reim, Sang Yoon Kim, Marion Meima-Franke, Aad Termorshuizen, Wietse de Boer, Wim H. van der Putten, Paul L.E. Bodelier. 2015. Unexpected Stimulation of Soil Methane Uptake as Emergent Property of Agricultural Soils Following Bio-based Residue Application. Global Change Biology 21, 3864-3879 (IF: 9.00, JCR < top 1%).
    • Md. Mozammel Haque, Sang Yoon Kim, Gil Won Kim, Pil Joo Kim. 2015. Optimization of Removal and Recycling Ratio of Cover Crop Biomass Using Carbon Balance to Sustain Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in a Mono-Rice Paddy System. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 207, 119-125 (IF: 3.54, JCR < top 1%).
    • Sarah Louise Atulba, Jessie Gutierrez, Gil Won Kim, Sang Yoon Kim, Muhammad Israr Khan, Yong Bok Lee, Pil Joo Kim. 2015. Evaluation of Rice Root Oxidizing Potential Using Digital Image Analysis. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry 58, 463?471 (IF: 1.36).
    • Jennifer P Cuello, Hyun Young Hwang, Jessie Gutierrez, Sang Yoon Kim, Pil Joo Kim. 2015. Impact of Plastic Film Mulching on Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Temperate Upland Soil during Maize Cultivation. Applied Soil Ecology 91, 48?57 (IF: 2.92).
    • Adrian Ho, Alaa El-Hawwarya, Sang Yoon Kim, Marion Meima-Franke, Paul Bodelier. 2015. Manure-Associated Stimulation of Soil-Borne Methanogenic Activity in Agricultural Soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 511-516 (IF: 3.81).
    • Md. Mozammel Haque, Sang Yoon Kim, Muhammad Aslam Ali, Pil Joo Kim. 2015. Contribution of Greenhouse Gas Emissions during Cropping and Fallow Seasons on Total Global Warming Potential in Mono-Rice Paddy Soils. Plant and Soil 387, 251?264 (IF: 3.31).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Prabhat Pramanik, Paul L.E. Bodelier, Pil Joo Kim. 2014. Cattle Manure Enhances Methanogens Diversity and Methane Emissions Compared to Swine Manure under Rice Paddy. PLoS ONE 9(12), e113593. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113593 (IF: 2.77).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Prabhat Pramanik, Jessie Gutierrez, Hyun Young Hwang, Pil Joo Kim. 2014. Comparison of Methane Emission Characteristics in Air-Dried and Composted Cattle Manure Amended Paddy Soil during Rice Cultivation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 197, 60?67 (IF: 3.54, JCR < top 1%).
    • Prabhat Pramanik, Md. Mozammel Haque, Sang Yoon Kim, Pil Joo Kim, 2014. C and N Accumulations in Soil Aggregates Determine Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Cover Crop treated Rice Paddy Soils during Fallow Season. Science of The Total Environment 490, 622?628 (IF: 4.61, JCR < top 10%).
    • Hyo Jung Lee, Sang Yoon Kim, Pil Joo Kim, Eugene L. Madsen, Che Ok Jeon. 2014. Methane Emission and Dynamics of Methanotrophic and Methanogenic Communities in a Flooded Rice Field Ecosystem. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 88, 195-212 (IF: 3.50).
    • Gun-Yeob Kim, Hyun-Cheol Jeong, Yeon-Kyu Sonn, Sang Yoon Kim, Jong-Sik Lee, Pil Joo Kim. 2014. Effect of Soil Water Potential on Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Upland Soil during Red Pepper Cultivation. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry 57, 15?22 (IF: 1.36). 
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Chang Hoon Lee, Jessie Gutierrez, Pil Joo Kim. 2013. Contribution of Winter Cover Crop Amendments on Global Warming Potential in Rice Paddy Soil during Cultivation. Plant and Soil 366, 273?286 (IF: 3.31). 
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Jessie Gutierrez, Pil Joo Kim. 2013. Effect of Rice Cultivar on CH4 Emissions and Productivity in Korean Paddy Soil. Field Crops Research 146, 16-24 (IF: 3.13).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Jessie Gutierrez, Pil Joo Kim. 2013. Effect of Seedling Transplanting Date on Methane Emission from Rice Paddy Soil during Cultivation. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 59, 278?288 (IF: 1.12).
    • Md. Mozammel Haque, Sang Yoon Kim, Prabhat Pramanik, Gun-Yeob Kim, Pil Joo Kim. 2013. Optimum Application Level of Winter Cover Crop Biomass as Green Manure under Considering Methane Emission and Rice Productivity in Paddy Soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49, 487?493 (IF: 3.81).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Jessie Gutierrez, Pil Joo Kim. 2012. Considering Winter Cover Crop Selection as Green Manure to Control Methane Emission during Rice Cultivation in Paddy Soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 161, 130?136 (IF: 3.54, JCR < top 1%).
    • Sang Yoon Kim, Chang Hoon Lee, Maria B. Villamil, Prabhat Pramanik, Chang Ok Hong, Pil Joo Kim. 2012. Different Response of Silicate Fertilizer Having Electron Acceptors on Methane Emission in Rice Paddy Soil under Green Manuring. Biology and Fertility of Soils 48, 435?442 (IF: 3.81).
  • 김경희 교수

    김경희 교수 (Kim, Gyounghee)

    임상식물병리학 / 농학박사
    임상식물병리학연구실, Clinical Plant Pathology Lab.
    기상이변에 따른 열대·아열대작물 및 수목의 돌발병해 진단 및 방제 연구


    • 순천대학교 농학사
    • 순천대학교 농학석사
    • 순천대학교 농학박사


    • 한국식물병리학회 정회원
    • 미국식물병리학회 정회원


    • 식물병 진단 및 방제
    • 수목 병해 진단 및 관리
    • 생물적 방제


    • 2016. 01. ~ 2020. 02. 순천대학교 산학협력단 박사급연구원
    • 2011. 09. ~ 2020. 02. 순천대학교 식물의학과 시간강사
    • 2008. 03. ~ 2009. 02. 순천대학교 식물의학과 조교
    • 2005. 03. ~ 2016. 12. 순천대학교 농업과학연구소 특별연구원



    • Lee, Y. S., Kim, G. H., Song, Y.-R., Oh, C.-S., Koh, Y. J. and Jung, J. S. 2020. Streptomycin Resistant Isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in Korea. Res. Plant Dis. 26:44-47.
    • Kim, G. H., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S., Koh, Y. J., Poulter, R. T. M. and Butler, M. 2020. Genomic analyses of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae isolated in Korea suggest the transfer of the bacterial pathogen via kiwifruit pollen. J. Medical Microbiology 69:132-138.
    • Lee, Y. S., Kim, G. H., Koh, Y. J. and Jung, J. S. 2020. Evaluation of the genetic diversity of biovar 3 stains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae isolated in Korea. J. Life Sci. 30:1-9.
    • Kim, G. H., Koh, Y. J. and Kim, K.-H. 2019. Agrometeorological analysis on the freeze damage occurrence of yuzu trees in Goheung, Jeonnam province in 2018. Res. Plant Dis. 25:71-78.
    • Choi, E. D., Kim, G. H., Park, S.-Y., Song, J. H., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S. and Koh, Y. J. 2019. Genetic diversity of the pear scab fungus Venturia nashicola in Korea. Mycobiology 47:76-86.
    • Lee, Y. R., Kim, G. H., Kim, Y. M., Park, S.-Y. and Koh, Y. J. 2019. First report of twig dieback caused by Neopestalotiopsis clavispora on blueberry in Korea. Plant Dis. 1036:1022.
    • Kim, G. H., Choi, D.-H., Park, S.-Y. and Koh, Y. J. 2018. First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum nymphaeae on kiwiberry in Korea. Plant Dis. 102:1455.
    • Ryu, S. H., Kim, G. H. and Koh, Y. J. 2018. The First case of successful bark implantation of a 250-year-old Zelkova tree heavily damaged by artificial girdling. Res. Plant Dis. 24:237-241.
    • Kim, G. H. and Koh, Y. J. 2018. Incidence rates of major diseases on green-fleshed kiwifruit cv. hayward and yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Haegeum. Res. Plant Dis. 24:175-181.
    • Kim, G. H. and Koh, Y. J. 2018. Diagnosis and integrated management of major fungal fruit rots on kiwifruit in Korea. Res. Plant Dis. 24:113-122.
    • Cha, J. H., Kim, G. H., Choi, E. D., Song, J. H. and Koh, Y. J. 2018. Environment-friendly control of pear scab and rust using lime sulfur. Res. Plant Dis. 24:52-58.
    • Kim, G. H. and Koh, Y. J. 2018. Diagnosis and control of major leaf diseases on kiwifruit in Korea. Res. Plant Dis. 24:1-8.
    • Kim, G. H., Jo, K. Y., Shin, J. S., Shin, G. H. and Koh, Y. J. 2017. Epidemiological characteristics of scab of Japanese apricot in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 33:450-457.
    • Kim, G. H., Kim, D. R., Park, S-Y., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S. and Koh, Y. J. 2017. Incidence rates of major diseases of kiwiberry in 2015 and 2016. Plant Pathol. J. 33:434-439.
    • Kim, G. H., Jung, J. S. and Koh, Y. J. 2017. Occurrence and epidemics of bacterial canker of kiwifruit in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 33:351-361.
    • Choi, E. D., Kim, G. H., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S., Song, J. H. and Koh, Y. J. 2017. Development of carrot medium suitable for conidia production of Venturia nashicola. Plant Pathol. J. 33:75-79.
    • Koh, Y. J., Kim, G. H. and Jung, J. S. 2017. A proposed manual for the efficient management of kiwifruit bacterial canker in Korea. Res. Plant Dis. 23:1-18.
    • Lee, Y. S., Kim, J., Kim, G. H., Choi, E. D., Koh, Y. J. and Jung, J. S. 2017. Biovars of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae strains, the causal agent of bacterial canker of kiwifruit, isolated in Korea. Res. Plant Dis. 23:35-41.
    • Kim, G. H., Cho, D. W, Park, S.-Y., Shin, J. S., Choi, W.-B., Hyun I. H. and Koh, Y. J. 2016. First report of scab caused by Venturia carpophila on Janpanese apricot (Prunus mume) in Korea. Plant Dis. 100:2332.
    • Kim, G. H., Choi, E. D, Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S. and Koh, Y. J. 2016. Spread of bacterial canker of kiwifruit by secondary infection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3 in Gyeongnam in 2016. Res. Plant Dis. 22: 276-283.
    • Kim, G. H., Kim, K.-H., Son, K. I., Choi, E. D., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S. and Koh, Y. J. 2016. Outbreak and spread of bacterial canker of kiwifruit caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3 in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 32:545-551.
    • Son, K. I., Kim, G. H., Choi, E. D., Kim, K.-H., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S. and Koh, Y. J. 2016. Seasonal prevalence of bacterial canker of kiwifruit in Boseong in 2014 and 2015. Res. Plant Dis. 22:271-226.
    • Yu, J. G., Lim, J. A., Song, Y. R., Heu, S, Kim, G. H., Koh, Y. J., Oh, C. S. 2016. Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages against Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae causing bacterial canker disease in kiwifruit. J. Microbiol Biotechnol. 26: 385-393.


    • 참다래 궤양병균 검출용 키트 (제10-1719721호)
    • Psa1그룹에 속하는 참다래 궤양병균 검출용 키트(제10-1719719호)
    • Psa2 그룹에 속하는 참다래 궤양병균 검출용 키트(제10-1719720호)
    • 참다래 궤양병균 검출용 키트 및 상기 키트를 이용한 참다래 궤양병의 진단방법(제1577529호)
  • 강세원 교수

    강세원 교수 (Kang, Se-Won)

    농업바이오매스학 / 농학박사
    바이오매스자원화연구실, Biomass Recycling Lab.
    바이오매스 자원화를 통한 기능성 물질 개발 및 온실가스감축 시나리오 연구


    • 학사: 순천대학교 이학사  
    • 석사: 순천대학교 농학석사  
    • 박사: 순천대학교 농학박사  


    • 바이오매스 자원화&에너지화 기술 개발 및 적용 연구
    • Biochar를 이용한 오염토양 회복 및 온실가스배출량 저감 연구
    • 기후변화대응 모델링 연구


    • 2021. 03. ~ 현재           순천대학교 농생명과학과 부교수
    • 2020. 05. ~ 2021. 02. 순천대학교 산한협력단 박사후연구원
    • 2018. 05. ~ 2020. 04. 미국 루이지애나주립대학교 박사후연구원
    • 2017. 01. ~ 2018. 04. 순천대학교 리서치펠로우
    • 2016. 02. ~ 2016. 12. 국립한국농수산대학 토양비료분야 연구교수
    • 2017. 01. ~ 2018. 04. 순천대학교 리서치펠로우



    • Jong-Hwan Park, Ju-Hyun Eom, Su-Lim Lee, Se-Wook Hwang, Seong-Heon Kim, Se-Won Kang, Jin-Ju Yun, Ju-Sik Cho, Young-Han Lee, Dong-Cheol Seo. 2020. Exploration of the potential capacity of fly ash and bottom ash derived from wood pellet-based thermal power plant for heavy metal removal. Science of the Total Environment. 740:140205
    • Se-Won Kang, Dong-Cheol Seo, Sang Yoon Kim, Ju-Sik Cho. 2020. Utilization of liquid pig manure for resource cycling agriculture in rice-green manure crop rotation in South Korea. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 192(5):1-11.
    • Jong-Hwan Park, Su-Lim Lee, Se-Wook Hwang, Ju-Hyun Eom, Seong-Heon Kim, Se-Won Kang, Ju-Sik Cho, Dong-Cheol Seo. 2020. Characteristics of ammonia gas emissions from soybean cultivation soils treated with mixed microorganisms. Applied Biological Chemistry. 63:20.
    • Jong-Hwan Park, Jim J. Wang, Seong-Heon Kim, Se-Won Kang, Chang Yoon Jeong, Jong-Rok Jeon, Ki Hun Park, Ju-Sik Cho, Ronald D. Delaune, Dong-Cheol Seo. 2019. Cadmium adsorption characteristics of biochars derived using various pine tree residues and pyrolysis temperatures. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 553:298-307.
    • Se-Won Kang, Jong-Hwan Park, Seong-Heon Kim, Dong-Cheol Seo, Yong Sik Ok, Ju-Sik Cho. 2019. Establishment of optimal barley straw biochar application conditions for rice cultivation in a paddy field. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 41(4):1793-1803.
    • Su-Lim Lee, Jong-Hwan Park, Seong-Heon Kim, Se-Won Kang, Ju-Sik Cho, Jong-Rok Jeon, Yong-Bok Lee, Dong-Cheol Seo. 2019. Sorption behavior of malachite green onto pristine lignin to evaluate the possibility as a dye adsorbent by lignin. Applied Biological Chemistry. 62:37.
    • Se-Won Kang, Changyoon Jeong, Dong-Cheol Seo, Sang Yoon Kim, Ju-Sik Cho. 2019. Liquid Fertilizer Production by Alkaline Hydrolysis of Carcasses and the Evaluation of Developed Fertilizer in hot pepper cultivation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 122:307-312.
    • Se-Won Kang, Seong-Heon Kim, Jong-Hwan Park, Dong-Cheol Seo, Yong Sik Ok, Ju-Sik Cho. 2018. Effect of Biochar Derived from Barley Straw on Soil Physicochemical Properties, Crop Growth, and Nitrous Oxide Emission in an Upland Field in South Korea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25(26):25813-25821.
    • Jong-Hwan Park, Jim J. Wang, Seong-Heon Kim, Ju-Sik Cho, Se-Won Kang, Ronald D. Delaune, Kun-Jun Han, Dong-Cheol Seo. 2017. Recycling of rice straw through pyrolysis and its adsorption behavior for Cu and Zn ions in aqueous solution. Colloids and Surfaces A. 533:330-337.
    • Jong-Hwan Park, Jim J. Wang, Seong-Heon Kim, Ju-Sik Cho, Se-Won Kang, Ronald D. Delaune. 2017. Phosphate Removal in Constructed Wetland with Rapid Cooled Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag. Chemical Engineering Journal. 327:713-724.
    • Se-Won Kang, Ju-Wang Park, Dong-Cheol Seo, Yong Sik Ok, Ki-Do Park, Ik-Won Choi, Ju-Sik Cho. 2016. Effect of Biochar Application on Rice Yield and Greenhouse Gas Emission under Different Nutrient Conditions from Paddy Soil. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 142(10):04016046.
    • Se-Won Kang, Dong-Cheol Seo, Yong Hwa Cheong, Ju-Wang Park, Jong-Hwan Park, Hang-Won Kang, Ki-Do Park, Yong Sik Ok, Ju-Sik Cho. 2016. Effect of Barley Straw Biochar Application on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Upland Soil for Chinese Cabbage Cultivation in Short-term Laboratory Experiments. Journal of Mountain Science. 13(4):693-702.


    • 철 첨착 랜더링 고형잔류물 바이오차와 그 제조 방법 (특허 제10-2220308)
    • 질소제거를 위한 수처리용 바이오차의 황 첨착 장치 및 방법 (특허 제10-1547430)
    • 수처리용 황 첨착 바이오차의 제조장치 및 제조방법 (특허 제10-1485293)
    • 고온 고압 가축 사체 처리장치 (특허 제10-1369572)
    • 가축 사체를 이용한 액상비료 제조장치 (특허 제10-1360524)
    • 폐열순환형 바이오차 제조장치 (특허 제10-1418702)
    • 자원순환형 인공습지 가축분뇨 처리시스템 (특허 제10-1307169)
    • 미생물 대사산물을 이용하는 액상비로의 제조방법 (특허 제10-2498999)
    • 비회를 이용한 규산질 비료 및 이의 제조방법 (특허 제10-2297909)
    • 랜더링된 사체 잔류물을 이용한 콜라겐 액비 및 이의 제조방법 (특허 제10-2281355)
    • 대나무 바이오차 및 당밀농축액을 포함하는 펠렛 형태의 토양개량제 및 이의 제조방법 (특허 제10-2254919)

  • 김기태 교수

    김기태 교수 (Kim, Ki-Tae)

    식물미생물학 / 농학박사
    농업생물정보학연구실, Agricultural Bioinformatics Lab.
    식물, 미생물 오믹스(OMICS: 유전체, 전사체, 단백질체, 마이크로바이옴 등)데이터 분석


    • 이학사: 뉴질랜드 오클랜드대학교
    • 농학박사: 서울대학교


    • 식물, 미생물(진균) 오믹스 데이터 분석
    • 곰팡이 이펙터(effector) 유전자 연구
    • 농입업 마이크로바이옴 데이터 분석
    • 농임업관련 빅데이터 연구


    • 2021. 03. ~ 현재           순천대학교 농생명과학과 조교수
    • 2020. 12. ~ 2021. 02. 국립산림과학원 임업연구사
    • 2020. 03. ~ 2020. 11. 서울대학교 식물면역연구센터 박사후연구원



    • Jongbum Jeon, Ki-Tae Kim, Jaeyoung Choi, Kyeongchae Cheong, Jaeho Ko, Gobong Choi, Hyunjun Lee, Gir-Won Lee, Sook-Young Park, Seongbeom Kim, Sun Tae Kim, Cheol Woo Min, Seogchan Kang, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2022. Alternative splicing diversifies the transcriptome and proteome of the rice blast fungus during host infection.RNA Biology 19(1): 373-385.
    • Eun-Kyung Bae, Chanhoon An, Min-Jeong Kang, Sang-A Lee, Seung Jae Lee, Ki-Tae Kim†, Eung-Jun Park†. 2022. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the fully mycoheterotrophic orchid Gastrodia elata.G3 12(3): jkab433.
    • Seogchan Kang, Ki-Tae Kim, Jaeyoung Choi, Hyun Kim, Kyeongchae Cheong, Ananda Y Bandara, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2022. Genomics and informatics, conjoined tools vital for understanding and protecting plant health.Phytopathology
    • Teng Fu, Joon-Hee Han, Jong-Hwan Shin, Hyeunjeong Song, Jaeho Ko, Yong-Hwan Lee, Ki-Tae Kim†, Kyoung Su Kim†. 2021. Homeobox transcription factors are required for fungal development and the suppression of host defense mechanisms in the Colletotrichum scovillei-pepper pathosystem.mBio 12: e01620-21.
    • Da-Young Lee, Jongbum Jeon, Ki-Tae Kim, Kyeongchae Cheong, Hyeunjeong Song, Gobong Choi, Jaeho Ko, Stephen O. Opiyo, James C. Correll, Shimin Zuo, Sheshu Madhav, Guo-Liang Wang, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2021. Comparative genome analyses of four rice-infecting Rhizoctonia solani isolates reveal extensive enrichment of homogalacturonan modification genes. BMC Genomics 22: 242.
    • Seongbeom Kim, Chi-Yeol Kim, Sook-Young Park, Ki-Tae Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Hyunjung Chung, Gobong Choi, Seomun Kwon, Jaeyoung Choi, Junhyun Jeon, Jong-Seong Jeon, Chang Hyun Khang, Seogchan Kang, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2020. Two nuclear effectors of the rice blast fungus modulate host immunity via transcriptional reprogramming. Nature Communications 11: 1-11.
    • Seungill Kim, Kyeongchae Cheong, Jieun Park, Myung-Shin Kim, Jihyun Kim, Min-Ki Seo, Geun Young Chae, Min Jeong Jang, Hyunggon Mang, Sun-Ho Kwon, Yong-Min Kim, Namjin Koo, Cheol Woo Min, Kwang-Soo Kim, Nuri Oh, Ki-Tae Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Hyunbin Kim, Yoon-Young Lee, Kee Hoon Sohn, Honour C McCann, Sang-Kyu Ye, Sun Tae Kim, Kyung-Soon Park, Yong-Hwan Lee, Doil Choi. 2020. TGFam-Finder: a novel solution for target-gene family annotation in plants. New Phytologist 227: 1568-1581.
    • Ki-Tae Kim*, Jongbum Jeon*, Gir-Won Lee*, Sook-Young Park, Seongbeom Kim, Seomun Kwon, Aram Huh, Hyunjung Chung, Da-Young Lee, Chi-Yeol Kim, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2020. Transcriptome profiling of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae and its host Oryza sativa during infection. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 33: 141-144.
    • Ki-Tae Kim, Jaeho Ko, Hyeunjeong Song, Gobong Choi, Hyunbin Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Kyeongchae Cheong, Seogchan Kang, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2019. Evolution of the genes encoding effector candidates within multiple pathotypes of Magnaporthe oryzae. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 2575.
    • Hyunjung Chung, Seongbeom Kim, Ki-Tae Kim, Bae-Geun Hwang, Hye-Jeong Kim, Sang-Joon Lee, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2019. A novel approach to investigate hypoxic microenvironment during rice colonization by Magnaporthe oryzae. Environmental microbiology 21: 1151-1169.
    • Ki-Tae Kim*, Lin Huang*, Ji-Yun Yang, Hyeunjeong Song, Gobong Choi, Jongbum Jeon, Kyeongchae Cheong, Jaeho Ko, Haibin Xu, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2019. A high-quality draft genome sequence of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides sensu stricto SMCG1#C, a causal agent of anthracnose on Cunninghamia lanceolata in China. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 32: 139-141.
    • You-Jin Lim, Ki-Tae Kim, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2018. SUMOylation is required for fungal development and pathogenicity in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology 19: 2134-2148.
    • Myung-Shin Kim, Seungill Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Ki-Tae Kim, Hyun-Ah Lee, Hye-Young Lee, Jieun Park, Eunyoung Seo, Saet-Byul Kim, Seon-In Yeom, Yong-Hwan Lee, Doil Choi. 2018. Global gene ex-pression profiling for fruit organs and pathogen infections in the pepper, Capsicum annuum L. Scientific Data 5: 180103.
    • Seungill Kim, Jieun Park, Seon-In Yeom, Yong-Min Kim, Eunyoung Seo, Ki-Tae Kim, Myung-Shin Kim, Je Min Lee, Kyeongchae Cheong, Ho-Sub Shin, Saet-Byul Kim, Koeun Han, Jundae Lee, Minkyu Park, Hyun-Ah Lee, Hye-Young Lee, Youngsill Lee, Soohyun Oh, Joo Hyun Lee, Eunhye Choi, Eunbi Choi, So Eui Lee, Jongbum Jeon, Hyunbin Kim, Gobong Choi, Hyeunjeong Song, JunKi Lee, Sang-Choon Lee, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Hea-Young Lee, Namjin Koo, Yunji Hong, Ryan W Kim, Won-Hee Kang, Jin Hoe Huh, Byoung-Cheorl Kang, Tae-Jin Yang, Yong-Hwan Lee, Jeffrey L Bennetzen, Doil Choi. 2017. New reference genome sequences of hot pepper reveal the massive evolution of plant disease-resistance genes by retroduplication. Genome Biology 1: 1-11.
    • Jaeyoung Choi, Gir-Won Lee, Ki-Tae Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Nicolas Detry, Hsiao-Che Kuo, Hui Sun, Fred O Asiegbu, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2017. Comparative analysis of genome sequences of the conifer tree pathogen, Heterobasidion annosum s.s. Genomics Data 14: 106-113.
    • Jean-Felix Dallery, Nicolas Lapalu, Antonios Zampounis, Sandrine Pigne, Isabelle Luyten, Joelle Amselem, Alexander HJ Wittenberg, Shiguo Zhou, Marisa V de Queiroz, Guillaume P Robin, Annie Auger, Matthieu Hainaut, Bernard Henrissat, Ki-Tae Kim, Yong-Hwan Lee, Olivier Lespinet, David C Schwartz, Michael R Thon, Richard J O'Connell. 2017. Gapless genome assembly of Colletotrichum higginsianum reveals chromosome structure and association of transposable elements with secondary metabolite gene clusters. BMC Genomics 1: 1-22.
    • Jung A Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Sook-Young Park, Ki-Tae Kim, Gobong Choi, Hyun-jung Lee, Yangsun Kim, Hee-sun Yang, Joo-Hong Yeo, Yong-Hwan Lee, Soonok Kim. 2017. Genome sequence of an endophytic fungus, Fusarium solani JS-169, which has antifungal activity. Genome Announcements 5: e01071-17.
    • Jung A Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Sook-Young Park, Ki-Tae Kim, Gobong Choi, Hoa Thi Nguyen, Sun Jeong Jeon, Hyang Burm Lee, Chang-Hwan Bae, Hee-sun Yang, Joo-Hong Yeo, Jin-Cheol Kim, Yong-Hwan Lee, Soonok Kim. 2017. Draft genome sequence of Aspergillus persii NIBRFGC000004109, which has antibacterial activity against plant-pathogenic bacteria. Genome Announcements 5: e00932-17.
    • Jongbum Jeon, Ki-Tae Kim, Hyeunjeong Song, Gir-Won Lee, Kyeongchae Cheong, Hyunbin Kim, Gobong Choi, Yong-Hwan Lee, Jane E Stewart, Ned B Klopfenstein, Mee-Sook Kim. 2017. Draft genome sequence of the fungus associated with oak wilt mortality in South Korea, Raffaelea quercus-mongolicae KACC44405. Genome Announcements 5: e00797-17.
    • Jung A Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Ki-Tae Kim, Gobong Choi, Sook-Young Park, Hyun-Jung Lee, Sang-Hee Shim, Yong-Hwan Lee, Soonok Kim. 2007. Draft genome sequence of an endophytic fungus, Gaeumannomyces sp. strain JS-464, isolated from a reed plant, Phragmites communis. Genome Announcements 5: e00734-17.
    • Ki-Tae Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Jaeyoung Choi, Kyeongchae Cheong, Hyeunjeong Song, Gobong Choi, Seogchan Kang, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2016. Kingdom-wide analysis of fungal small secreted proteins (SSPs) reveals their potential role in host association. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 186.
    • Seungill Kim, Myung-Shin Kim, Yong-Min Kim, Seon-In Yeom, Kyeongchae Cheong, Ki-Tae Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Sunggil Kim, Do-Sun Kim, Seong-Han Sohn, Yong-Hwan Lee, Doil Choi. 2015. Integrative structural annotation of de novo RNA-Seq provides an accurate reference gene set of the enormous genome of the onion (Allium cepa L.). DNA Research 22: 19-27.
    • Jaeyoung Choi, Ki-Tae Kim, Aram Huh, Seomun Kwon, Changyoung Hong, Fred O Asiegbu, Junhyun Jeon, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2015. dbHiMo: a web-based epigenomics platform for histone-modifying enzymes. Database 2015: bav052.
    • Jaeyoung Choi, Ki-Tae Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Jiayao Wu, Hyeunjeong Song, Fred O Asiegbu, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2014. funRNA: a fungi-centered genomics platform for genes encoding key components of RNAi. BMC Genomics 15: S14.
    • Jaeyoung Choi, Nicolas Detry, Ki-Tae Kim, Fred O Asiegbu, Jari PT Valkonen, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2014. fPoxDB: fungal peroxidase database for comparative genomics. BMC Microbiology 14: 117.
    • Seungill Kim, Minkyu Park, Seon-In Yeom, Yong-Min Kim, Je Min Lee, Hyun-Ah Lee, Eunyoung Seo, Jaeyoung Choi, Kyeongchae Cheong, Ki-Tae Kim, Kyongyong Jung, Gir-Won Lee, Sang-Keun Oh, Chungyun Bae, Saet-Byul Kim, Hye-Young Lee, Shin-Young Kim, Myung-Shin Kim, Byoung-Cheorl Kang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Hee-Bum Yang, Hee-Jin Jeong, Won-Hee Kang, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Chanseok Shin, Jae Yun Lim, June Hyun Park, Jin Hoe Huh, June-Sik Kim, Byung-Dong Kim, Oded Cohen, Ilan Paran, Mi Chung Suh, Saet Buyl Lee, Yeon-Ki Kim, Younhee Shin, Seung-Jae Noh, Junhyung Park, Young Sam Seo, Suk-Yoon Kwon, Hyun A Kim, Jeong Mee Park, Hyun-Jin Kim, Sang-Bong Choi, Paul W Bosland, Gregory Reeves, Sung-Hwan Jo, Bong-Woo Lee, Hyung-Taeg Cho, Hee-Seung Choi, Min-Soo Lee, Yeisoo Yu, Yang Do Choi, Beom-Seok Park, Allen Van Deynze, Hamid Ashrafi, Theresa Hill, Woo Taek Kim, Hyun-Sook Pai, Hee Kyung Ahn, Inhwa Yeam, James J Giovannoni, Jocelyn KC Rose, Iben Sorensen, Sang-Jik Lee, Ryan W Kim, Ik-Young Choi, Beom-Soon Choi, Jong-Sung Lim, Yong-Hwan Lee, Doil Choi. 2014. Genome sequence of the hot pepper provides insights into the evolution of pungency in Capsicum species. Nature Genetics 46: 270-278.
    • Jaeyoung Choi, Ki-Tae Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2013. Fungal plant cell wall-degrading enzyme database: a platform for comparative and evolutionary genomics in fungi and Oomycetes. BMC Genomics 14: S7.
  • 이세진 교수

    이세진 교수 (Lee, Se-Jin)

    해충방제학(곤충병리학) / 농학박사
    해충방제학연구실, Insect Pest Control Lab.
    친환경 소재를 이용한 농업해충 및 위생해충 방제 연구


    • 농학사: 전북대학교
    • 농학석사: 전북대학교
    • 농학박사: 전북대학교


    • 곤충병원성 미생물 분리 및 라이브러리 구축
    • 곤충병원성 미생물을 이용한 해충 방제 시스템 구축
    • 곤충병원성 미생물의 유전학적 특성 구명


    • 2021. 03. ~ 현재           순천대학교 농생명과학과 조교수
    • 2018. 12. ~ 2020. 12. 미국 플로리다대학교 박사후연구원



    • Gasmi L, Baek S, Kim JC, Kim S, Lee MR, Park SE, Shin TY, Lee SJ, Parker BL & Kim JS (2021) Gene diversity explains variation in biological features of insect killing fungus, Beauveria bassiana. Scientific Reports. 11(1): 1-12.
    • Shin TY, Lee MR, Park SE, Lee SJ, Kim WJ, & Kim, JS (2020) Pathogenesis?related genes of entomopathogenic fungi. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 105(4): e21747.
    • Kim S, Kim JC, Lee SJ, Lee MR, Park SE, Li D, Baek S, Shin TY & Kim JS (2020) Beauveria bassiana ERL836 and JEF-007 with similar virulence show different gene ex-pression when interacting with cuticles of western flower thrips, Frankniella occidentalis. BMC genomics. 21(1): 1-12.
    • Yang YT, Lee SJ, Nai YS, Kim JS (2020) Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel Putative RNA Virus, RiPV-2, from the Bean Bug Riptortus pedestris. Microbiol Resour Announc. 9(21): e01584-19. doi: 10.1128/MRA.01584-19.
    • Kim S, Kim JC, Lee SJ, Lee MR, Park SE, Li D, Baek S, Shin TY, Gasmi L, Kim JS (2020) Soil Application of Metarhizium anisopliae JEF-314 Granules to Control, Flower Chafer Beetle, Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis. Mycobiol. 48(2):139-147.
    • Kim JC, Lee SJ, Kim S, Lee MR, Baek S, Park SE, Kim J, Shin TY, Kim JS (2020) Management of pine wilt disease vectoring Monochamus alternatus adults using spray and soil application of Metarhizium anisopliae JEF isolates. J. Asia Pacific. Entomol. 23(1):224-233.
    • Huang YF, Chen TH, Chang ZT, Wang TC, Lee SJ, Kim JC, Kim JS, Chiu KP, Nai YS (2019) Genomic sequencing of Troides aeacus nucleopolyhedrovirus (TraeNPV) from golden birdwing larvae (Troides aeacus formosanus) to reveal defective Autographa californica NPV genomic features. BMC Genomics. 20:419.
    • Lee MR, Li D, Lee SJ, Kim JC, Kim S, Park SE, Baek S, Shin TY, Lee DH, Kim JS (2019) Use of Metarhizum Aniopliae s.l. To Control Soil-Dwelling Longhorned Tick, Haemaphysalis Longicornis. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 166:107230.
    • Kim JC, Lee MR, Kim S, Lee SJ, Park SE, Baek S, Gasmi L, Shin TY, Kim JS (2019) Long-term storage stability of Beauveria bassiana ERL836 granules as fungal biopesticide. J. Asia Pacific. Entomol. 22(2):537-542.
    • Lee SJ, Yang YT, Kim S, Lee MR, Kim JC, Park SE, Hossain MS, Shin TY, Kim JS (2018) Transcriptional response of bean bug (Riptortus pedestris) upon infection with entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana JEF-007. Pest Manag. Sci. 75(2):333-345.
    • Park SE, Kim JC, Lee SJ, Lee MR, Kim S, Li D, Baek S, Han JH, Kim JJ, Koo KB, Shin TY, Kim JS (2018) Solid cultures of thrips-pathogenic fungi Isaria javanica strains for enhanced conidial productivity and thermotolerance. J. Asia Pacific. Entomol. 21(4):1102-1109.
    • Lee SJ, Lee MR, Kim S, Kim JC, Park SE, Li D, Shin TY, Nai YS, Kim JS (2018) Genomic analysis of the insect-killing fungus Beauveria bassiana JEF-007 as a biopesticide. Scientific Report. 8(1):12388.
    • Chang JC, Chang ZT, Huang YF, Lee SJ, Kim JS, Nai YS (2018) Characterization and functional assay of apsup (Lyxy105) from Lymantria xylina multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LyxyMNPV). Virus Genes. 54(4):578-586.
    • Lee SJ, Lee MR, Kim S, Kim JC, Park SE, Shin TY, Kim JS (2018) Conidiogenesis-related DNA photolyase gene in Beauveria bassiana. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 153: 85-91.
    • Chang JC, Lee SJ, Kim JS, Wang CH, Nai YS (2018) Transient ex-pression of foreign genes in insect cells (sf9) for protein functional assay. J. Visual. Exp. (JOVE). E56693.
    • Nai YS, Lee MR, Kim S, Lee SJ & Kim JS (2017) Relationship between hygromycin B susceptibility and fungal-Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (AtMT) efficiency in different Beauveria bassiana strains. J. Appl. Microbiol. 123: 724-731.
    • Lee SJ, Kim S, Kim JC, Lee MR, Hossain MS, Shin TS, Kim TH & Kim JS (2017) Entomopathogenic Beauveria bassiana granules to control soil-dwelling stage of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Biol. Control 62:639-648.
    • Yang YT, Lee MR, Lee SJ, Kim S, Nai YS & Kim JS (2017) Tenebrio molitor Gram-negative-binding protein 3 (TmGNBP3) is essential for inducing downstream antifungal Tenecin 1 gene ex-pression against infection with Beauveria bassiana JEF-007. Insect Sci. Dol: 10.1111/1744-7917.12482.
    • Yang YT, Nai YS, Lee SJ, Lee MR, Kim S & Kim JS (2016) A novel picorna-like virus, Riptortus pedestris virus-1 (RiPV-1), found in the bean bug, R. pedestris, after fungal infection. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 141: 27-65.
    • Kim JC, Yu JS, Song MH, Lee MR, Kim S, Lee SJ & Kim JS (2016) Eco-Friendly Organic Pesticides (EFOP)-Mediated Management of Persimmon Pests, Stathmopoda masinissa and Riptortus pedestris. Korean J. Appl. Entomol. 55: 319-327.
    • Lee SJ, Kim S, Skinner M, Parker BL & Kim JS (2016) Screen bag formulation of Beauveria and Metarhizium granules to manage Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae). J. Asia Pacific Entomol. 19: 887-892.
    • Kim S, Lee SJ (co-first author), Nai YS, Yu JS, Lee MR, Yang YT & Kim JS (2016) Characterization of T-DNA insertion mutants with decreased virulence in the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana JEF-007. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 100: 8889-8900.
    • Yang YT, Lee SJ, Nai YS, Kim S & Kim JS (2016) Up-regulation of carbon metabolism-related glyoxylate cycle and toxin production in Beauveria bassiana JEF-007 during infection of bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae). Fungal Biol. 120: 1236-1248.
    • Nai YS, Lee SJ, Kim S, Ju HJ, Je YH, Kim JS (2015) ex-pression of egfp gene based on Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation in Beauveria bassiana sensu lato ERL836. J. Asia Pac Entomol. 18: 677-681.
    • Lee SJ, Kim S, Yu JS, Kim JC, Nai YS & Kim JS (2015) Biological control of Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) using Metarhizium anisopliae JEF-003 millet grain. J. Asia Pac Entomol. 18: 217-221.
    • Lee SJ, Yu JS, Parker BL, Skinner M, Je YH & Kim JS (2014) Production of antibacterial Bombyx mori cecropin A in mealworm-pathogenic Beauveria bassiana ERL1170. J. Indus. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 42: 151-156.
    • Lee SJ, Kim S, Nai YS, Choi JY, Parker BL & Kim JS (2014) Management of entomopathogenic fungi in cultures of Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Entomol. Res. 44: 236-243.
    • Lee SJ, Yu JS, Nai YS, Parker BL, Skinner M & Kim JS (2014) Beauveria bassiana sensu lato granules for management of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens in rice. BioControl 60: 263-270.
    • Kim JS, Lee SJ, Skinner M & Parker BL (2014) A novel approach: Beauveria bassiana granules applied to nursery soil for management of rice water weevils in paddy. Pest Manag. Sci. 70: 1186-1191.
    • Kim JS, Lee SJ & Lee HB (2014) Enhancing the Thermotolerance of Entomopathogenic Isaria fumosorosea SFP-198 conidial powder by controlling the Moisture Content Using Drying and Adjuvants. Mycobiol. 42: 59-65.
    • Kim JS, Lee SJ, Skinner M, Parker BL, Oh BT & Lee KJ (2013) Relationship between endospore viability and insecticidal potency of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai NT0423. BioControl 58: 607-614.
    • Kim JS, Choi JY, Lee SJ, Lee JH, Fu Z, Skinner M, Parker BL & Je YG (2013) Transformation of Beauveria bassiana to produce EGFP in Tenebrio molitor for use as animal feed additives. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 344: 173-178.


    • 닭진드기 방제효과를 갖는 보베리아 바시아나 JEF-410 균주, 이를 이용한 닭진드기 방제용 조성물 및 닭 진드기 방제방법 (2105252)
    • 메뚜기목에 방제 효과를 가지는 신규한 패실로마이세스 리라시너스 JEF076 및 패실로마이세스 리라시넘 JEF141 균주, 이를 포함하는 해충 방제용 조성물 및 이를 이용하여 메뚜기목을 방제하는 방법 (1993986)
    • 솔수염하늘소에 방제 효과를 가지는 신규한 Metarhizium anisopoliea JEF-197 및 Metarhizium anisopoliea JEF-279, 이를 포함하는 해충 방제용 조성물 및 이를 이용하여 솔수염하늘소를 방제하는 방법 (PCT/KR2018/006199)
    • 총채벌레 방제용 미생물 살충제 (PCT/KR2017/004264)

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